Organizations Preparing for Emergency Needs (OPEN)

Preparedness Training for Community-Based Organizations

OPEN includes both a web-based, self-guided training, and a downloadable instructor kit that will guide participants on how to identify risks, locate resources, and take preparedness actions. When Community-Based Organizations, such as food pantries, daycares, and non-profits, are unable to sustain operations during an emergency incident, individuals who rely on them are exponentially impacted. Because of their importance in keeping the community going, OPEN is designed to empower these organizations to better prepare for incidents.

The OPEN training provides an overview of the 10 preparedness actions and creates a path forward for organizations to develop their own disaster response plan.

10 Preparedness Actions to Help Your Organization Remain OPEN

understanding risks icon

Understanding Risks

Understand the risks your organization faces, then consider the likelihood and potential impact of those risks.
safeguard critical information icon

Safeguard Critical Information

Develop secure networks and data storage and create redundancies for saving information.
Identify the People You Serve icon

Identify the People You Serve

Identify and understand the needs of the people you serve to ensure their needs continue to be met during an incident.
mitigate risks icon

Mitigate Risks

Consider multiple ways to mitigate risks and prepare for incidents – many of which involve protecting your organizations’ physical space and cyber infrastructure.
establish communication icon

Establish a Communications Plan

Establish a communications strategy to be implemented after an incident occurs. After securing the safety of your organization and its people, you may need to communicate an incident update to families, clients, news outlets, and other community members.
determine essential activities icon

Determine Essential Activities

Consider essential activities that keep your organization running, such as paying employee wages and implementing a continuity of operations plan should your physical space be compromised.
Consider the Supply Chain icon

Consider the Supply Chain

Identify important suppliers and find alternatives to those suppliers in the event they cannot reach you.
Regular Test and Update Plans icon

Regularly Test and Update Plans

Test your plans by practicing them - this is a great opportunity to identify any gaps in the processes you have outlined.
Formalize Plans icon

Formalize Plans

Write down and formalize your plans. This may include electing an emergency manager or maintaining emergency kits in your office.
Cross-Train Key Individuals icon

Cross-Train Key Individuals

Identify key individuals in your organization and develop strategies to backfill their roles.

Get Started Now with the Online Training

Training Materials

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Download in-person training materials

Follow this link to visit the instructor page and download the course materials so you can teach others.

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Complete the survey and earn your certificate

After completing the training, follow this link to get your certificate of completion.

CBO Graduation Icon

Promotion Toolkit

Use sample newsletters, emails, hashtags, sample tweets, and graphics to spread the word about the new OPEN training!