

8900.1 CHG 731



Section 6  Safety Assurance System: Reporting Procedures

3-2396    REPORT CONSTRUCTION. The test team creates a report of proving or validation tests by means of the Program Tracking and Reporting Subsystem (PTRS).

3-2397    SAFETY ASSURANCE SYSTEM (SAS). For Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) parts 121 and 135 operations, activities should also be entered into SAS automation.

NOTE:  For all parts 121 and 135 proving/validation testing, the certification project manager (CPM) will also follow guidance in the SAS Certification Process Document (CPD).

A.    Opening a Master PTRS Record. When a test team is formed, the CPM ensures that a master PTRS record is opened. This PTRS entry remains open until the team completes its assignment. The CPM enters his or her assigned inspector identifier in the “Inspector Name Code” field so that he or she can be identified on the master record. The CPM also enters an “O” in the “Status: (COP)” field and enters the appropriate PTRS codes in the “Activity Number” field, as follows:

1)    Proving Test PTRS Codes.
a)    Operations:

    Initial certification (part 121): 1202.

    Initial certification (14 CFR part 91K): 1203.

    Initial certification (part 135 – 9 seats or fewer): 1212.

    Initial certification (part 135 – 10 or more seats): 1213.

    Proving flights: 1313.

b)    Maintenance:

    Initial certification (part 121): 3202.

    Initial certification (part 91K): 3203.

    Initial certification (part 135 – 9 seats or fewer): 3204.

    Initial certification (part 135 – 10 or more seats): 3207.

    Addition of an aircraft type or new kind of operation: 3337.

    Proving flights and validation flights: 3318.

c)    Avionics:

    Initial certification (part 121): 5202.

    Initial certification (part 91K): 5203.

    Initial certification (part 135 – 9 seats or fewer): 5204.

    Initial certification (part 135 – 10 or more seats): 5207.

    Addition of an aircraft type or new kind of operation (original): 5336.

    Addition of an aircraft type or new kind of operation: 5337.

    Proving flights and validation flights: 5318.

2)    Validation Test PTRS Codes.
a)    Operations:

    Approval of a geographic area requiring Class II navigation (i.e., Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), inertial navigation system (INS)/inertial reference system (IRS)/Inertial Reference Units (IRU), and flight management system (FMS)/flight management computer (FMC) (see Volume 3, Chapter 29, Section 8, subparagraph 3-2437B)): 1402.

    Approval of special navigation procedures with specific navigation equipment to comply with the airspace and regulatory requirements (i.e., pilotage and special navigation procedures (see Volume 3, Chapter 29, Section 8, subparagraph 3-2437B)): 1410.

    Special performance authorizations (i.e., powerback operations and Extended Operations (ETOPS) (see Volume 3, Chapter 29, Section 8, subparagraph 3-2437C)): 1441.

    Special operational authorizations (i.e., Category (CAT) II, CAT III CAT III), Head-Up Display (HUD) (see Volume 3, Chapter 29, Section 8, subparagraph 3-2437D)): 1442.

b)    Maintenance:

    Approval of a geographic area requiring Class II navigation (i.e., GNSS, INS/IRS/IRU, and FMS/FMC (see Volume 3, Chapter 29, Section 8, subparagraph 3-2437B)): 3431.

    Approval of special navigation procedures with specific navigation equipment to comply with the airspace and regulatory requirements (i.e., pilotage and special navigation procedures (see Volume 3, Chapter 29, Section 8, subparagraph 3-2437B)): 3434.

    Special performance authorizations (i.e., powerback operations and ETOPS (see Volume 3, Chapter 29, Section 8, subparagraph 3-2437C)): 3399.

c)    Avionics:

    Approval of a geographic area requiring Class II navigation (i.e., GNSS, INS/IRS/IRU, and FMS/FMC (see Volume 3, Chapter 29, Section 8, subparagraph 3-2437B)): 5431.

    Approval of special navigation procedures with specific navigation equipment to comply with the airspace and regulatory requirements (i.e., pilotage and special navigation procedures (see Volume 3, Chapter 29, Section 8, subparagraph 3-2437B): 5434.

    Special performance authorizations (i.e., powerback operations and ETOPS (see Volume 3, Chapter 29, Section 8, subparagraph 3-2437C)): 5399.

NOTE:  The above PTRS list is not all-inclusive.

B.    “Miscellaneous” Field Entries.

1)    When the master record is opened, the CPM enters the record identification number generated by the computer in the “Miscellaneous” field.
2)    Report each job function a team member performs by using the appropriate PTRS activity code and the individual inspector’s identification code. Enter the number placed in the “Miscellaneous” field of the master record in the “Miscellaneous” field of all PTRS entries associated with the project. This procedure allows any interested Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspector or manager to locate all records associated with the project.

C.    “COMMENT” Section Entries. When the master record is opened, the CPM places a brief statement of the project’s purpose in “SECTION IV – COMMENT SECTION.” The test team enters appropriate explanatory or descriptive information in the “COMMENT” section of all PTRS entries. This procedure ensures that the team captures all required data and eliminates the need for the test team to complete a final written report.

Indicates new/changed information.

D.    Progressive Comments on the Master Record. As each of the steps of the test process is completed, the CPM places a comment showing the date the step was completed on the master record. This procedure enables FAA specialists and managers to call up the master record and to determine the status of the project.

Indicates new/changed information.

3-2398    CLOSING THE MASTER RECORD. After the team has completed the project, the CPM places a closing summary in the “COMMENT” section of the master PTRS record. This summary is written as an executive overview and should avoid lengthy discussions or repetition of explanations contained in individual PTRS entries. Close the master record once the summary is complete. The following are suggested items for the summary:

    Total test hours planned and actually flown,

    Major deficiencies that required significant corrective action and the nature of those corrections, and

    Major delays encountered in completing the project and reasons for those delays.

RESERVED. Paragraphs 3-2399 through 3-2415.