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About EPA

About the Chemical and Pollutant Assessment Division (CPAD)

The Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment (CPHEA) provides the science needed to understand the complex interrelationship between people and nature in support of assessments and policy to protect human health and ecological integrity. Within CPHEA, sits the Chemical and Pollutant Assessment Division.

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What We Do

What We Do

EPA's Chemical and Pollutant Assessment Division (CPAD) is a leader in the science of human health assessment, a robust and transparent scientific process used to determine effects of pollutants or other stressors on human health. CPAD occupies a essential position in EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) between researchers generating scientific data and EPA’s program and regional offices that make decisions regarding the protection of public health and the environment.

CPAD scientists develop a range of fit-for-purpose human health risk assessment products based on the evaluation, synthesis, and analysis of the most up-to-date scientific information. Products include the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) and Provisionally Peer Reviewed Toxicity Values (PPRTV) assessments. These products are developed through interactions with EPA’s program and regional offices, other agencies, the scientific community, industry, policy-makers, and the public. Once finalized, they serve as a major scientific component supporting EPA's regulations, advisories, policies, enforcement, and remedial action decisions. CPAD also conducts cutting-edge research to develop innovative human health risk assessment methods (e.g., systematic review) that facilitate careful evaluation of scientific evidence, as well as tools and models (e.g., benchmark dose modeling software).


Kris Thayer, Director

  • Phone: 919-541-0152
  • Email:

James Avery, Associate Director

  • Phone: 202-834-8379
  • Email:



  • Quantitative Assessment Branch (NC), Branch Chief Viktor Morozov
  • Science Assessment Methods Branch (DC), Branch Chief Barbara Glenn
  • Toxic Effects Assessment Branch (DC), Branch Chief  Ravi Subramaniam
  • Toxic Effects Assessment Branch (NC), Branch Chief Janice Lee
  • Toxic Effects Assessment Branch (OH),  Acting Branch Chief Glenn Rice

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