Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Division

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Detection & Diagnostic Systems Multimedia

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Sensors & Instrumentation

Millimeter-Wave Remote Biometric Identification and Tracking (RBIT) System for Security Applications

Millimeter-Wave Remote Biometric Identification and Tracking (RBIT) System for Security Applications
Argonne, in collaboration with Northwestern University, has developed the first heart/respiration/movement biometric system that remotely identifies and tracks moving individuals by using a novel mmW sensor, facial-recognition video sensor/camera, and feature-extraction and data-analysis software…
Produced on: 03/08/12
Duration: [ 00:03:58]
Available Formats and Versions: available in Flash Video Flash, Quicktime Video Quicktime, and Windows Media video Windows Media format
Millimeter-Wave Remote Biometric Identification and Tracking (RBIT) System for Security Applications (full story, video, transcript)

Compressive Passive Millimeter-Wave Imager

Compressive Passive Millimeter-Wave Imager
Argonne has developed a passive compressive sensing system that uses millimeter waves (MMWs) to rapidly image targets with high resolution and without signal scattering due to atmospheric particulates…
Produced on: 03/05/12
Duration: [ 00:01:16]
Available Formats and Versions: available in Flash Video Flash, Quicktime Video Quicktime, and Windows Media video Windows Media format
Compressive Passive Millimeter-Wave Imager (full story, video, transcript)

Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy with Ice Slurry as Coolant in the Porcine Model

Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy with Ice Slurry as Coolant in the Porcine Model
This video depicts the usage of ice slurry cooling, using a porcine model, for protecting the kidney from ischemia damage during a partial nephrectomy. The video illustrates the ease of use, protective benefits and advantages of using slurry cooling over cold saline solution.
Produced on: 03/12/10
Duration: [ 00:07:58]
Available Formats and Versions: Flash Videoavailable in flash format
Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy with Ice Slurry as Coolant in the Porcine Model (full story, video, transcript and related documents)

Computer model of a kidney being cooled by ice slurry

Computer model of a kidney being cooled by ice slurry
Produced on: 12/01/08
Duration: [ 00:00:13 ]
Available Formats and Versions:


Quicktime format Quicktime

Mid | High

Windows Media Windows Media

Mid | High

mp4 mp4


Preventing the Worst

Preventing the Worst
"Preventing the Worst" is a segment of the CNN program "Situation Room", focused on Argonne technologies with anti-terrorism applications. Passive millimeter-wave spectroscopy is one of the technologies featured in the report…
Produced on: Dec. 2006
Duration: [ 00:01:57]
Available Formats and Versions: available in Flash Video Flash and Quicktime Video Quicktime format
Preventing the Worst (full story, video, transcript)

Passive Millimeter-Wave Spectrometer for Remote Chemical Detection

Passive Millimeter-Wave Spectrometer for Remote Chemical Detection
Duration: [ 00:02:25 ]


Quicktime format Quicktime

Low | Mid | High

Windows Media Windows Media

Low | Mid | High

Choose the video optimized for the bandwidth associated with your type of Internet connection, i.e.
"Low" for  56K Dial-up modem,  "Mid" or "High" for DSL or Cable modem


Sami Gopalsami

Gopalsami on WDBC radio (Sep. 11, 2007)
Sami Gopalsami was interviewed on WDCB radio about passive millimeter-wave spectroscopy.
[ Listen to the morning Broadcast 00:07:19 (7.1MB, WMA format Audio file) ]

[ Listen to the evening Broadcast 00:08:39 (8.4MB, WMA format Audio file) ]

Argonne Experts Dr. Sami Gopalsami is one of the Experts featured in the Argonne Experts Guide.

Technology Initiatives

The Technology Initiatives videos are all in QuickTime® format, unless otherwise noted.

Laser Rock Drilling on the History Channel

Laser Rock Drilling on the History Channel (May 10, 2006)
Argonne's Laser Applications Lab and researcher Claude Reed (NE) appeared in the History Channel program "Modern Marvels: Drilling" (May 10, 2006).
[ View this video, .mp4,   00:03:35 (21 MB) ] or
Download directly the .mp4 video

Argonne Experts Dr. Claude B. Reed is one of the Experts featured in the Argonne Experts Guide.

Laser rock perforation demo

Laser rock perforation demo
High power laser beam can be used in oil well completion application for perforating oil reservoir rock and increasing rock's permeability for high oil production rate. Spallation rock perforating by a rotating laser beam is shown in this movie.
[ View this video   00:00:36 (4.1 MB) ]

Laser rock drilling demo

Laser rock drilling demo
A high power pulsed Nd:YAG laser beam at Argonne's Laser Applications Lab is being shown in this movie to drill oil reservoir rock, a potential application in gas and oil well drilling for petroleum industry.
[ View this video   00:01:49 (12.1 MB) ]

Laser glazing of 1080 steel wheel

Laser glazing of 1080 steel wheel
Laser glazing of rotatory parts shown in this movie clip
[ View this video   00:00:22 (1.8 MB) ]

Laser glazing of flat steel surface

Laser glazing of flat steel surface
Laser glazing of flat surface of steel parts is shown in the movie clip by moving the required beam over the surface at a constant speed.
[ View this video   00:00:18 (1.3 MB) ]

Last Modified: Fri, February 8, 2013 3:12 PM

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For more information:

Systems Technologies and Diagnostics Department
Dept. Manager: A.C. (Paul) Raptis
Fax: +1 630-252-3250

A.C. Raptis' Executive Bio


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