Argonne National Laboratory Energy Engineering and Systems Analysis U.S. Department of Energy

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EESA News & Highlights

Johnston, Warner receive award for VAT

February 13, 2013 -- Argonne Nuclear Engineering Division researchers Roger Johnston and Jon Warner have received the 2013 CSO40 Award from CSO (Chief Security Officer)Magazine for outstanding business value and security thought leadership in their work with Argonne’s Vulnerability Assessment Team (VAT). Read the story.

High-Performance Computing Enables Huge Leap Forward in Engine Development

January 29, 2013 -- When we turn the key in our car's ignition, we usually don't think about the combustion process that takes place inside the engine that enables the car to go. We just know that it works. Read the story.

Nanoscale 'Goldilocks' phenomenon could improve biofuel production

January 15, 2013 -- Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University have discovered a new path to the development of more stable and efficient catalysts. Read the story.

Donald G. Hillebrand Elected SAE International President

January 10, 2013 -- SAE International's voting membership elected Donald G. Hillebrand, PhD, as its President. Dr. Hillebrand is Director of Argonne National Laboratory's Energy Systems Division. Read the story.

Forrest Jehlik answers transportation questions on Facebook

January 8, 2013 -- Forrest Jehlik participated in a live Facebook chat to discuss different aspects of vehicle technology. View the chat.

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