Getting Started

Not sure where to begin? In every state and territory, ACL funds aging and disability organizations that can help.

Aging and Disability Resource Centers can provide information about the full range of available options; provide objective advice, counseling and assistance to help you make informed decisions; and help you access public and private programs. ADRCs provide unbiased, reliable information, and counseling to people with all levels of income. 

Area Agencies on Aging, often referred to as "Triple As," coordinate and offer services that help older adults remain in their homes, if that is their preference, aided by services such as home-delivered meals, homemaker assistance, and whatever else it may take to make independent living a viable option.for them and their loved ones.

ACL's Eldercare Locator can connect you to your local ADRC or AAA and to a variety of other services. Visit or call 800-677-1116.

For people with disabilities of all ages, Centers for Independent Living (CILs) are another great first stop. These community-based centers are run by and for people with disabilities and offer a broad range of services to empower people to live independently, fully integrated in their communities. This interactive map provided by ILRU (Independent Living Research Utilization) can help you find contact information for your local center. 

Note: "Aging and Disability Resource Center," "Area Agency on Aging," and "Center for Independent Living" are all general terms, and the actual names of these organizations may vary.

Last modified on 12/20/2018

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