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About EPA

About the Air Methods and Characterization Division

On This Page:

What We Do
Main Office Location


What We Do

The Air Methods and Characterization Division (AMCD):

  • Develops, evaluates and applies advanced laboratory and field methods to measure, characterize, and analyze concentrations of pollutants in the air and at various emission sources;
  • Develops methods required to support the Clean Air Act (CAA), including federal reference methods (FRMs) and federal equivalent methods (FEMs) to measure criteria pollutants used to determine compliance with National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), and analytical methods for collecting and analyzing air toxics and related compounds to meet regulatory requirements and help better understand exposure and health effects; and
  • Develops, evaluates, and applies advanced monitoring technologies and methods to characterize and predict emissions from a variety of sources, provide solutions to manage air pollutant sources, and to minimize environmental impact.

Relevant Research



 Lara Phelps, Director

  • Phone: 919-541-5544
  • Email: Lara Phelps (

Valerie Cover Garcia, Associate Director



  • Ambient Air Branch
  • Combustion Source Branch
  • Source and Fine Scale Branch


Main Office Location

US EPA ORD Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling
Air Methods and Characterization Division
109 T.W. Alexander Drive
Mail Code: E343-04
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709