The Power and Potential of Technology – FMCS Technology Assisted Group Solutions (TAGS) Offer Efficiency, Effectiveness and Enhanced Communication

A powerful network of Internet servers, mobile computers, personal devices and customized software, TAGS uses technology tools for group problem-solving and decision-making, improving facilitation of meetings and conducting online surveys to improve effectiveness of labor-management practitioners.

FMCS mediators may use TAGS in face-to-face, remote and combination meetings via the Internet.

TAGS Log-in
Follow this link to access your FMCS online conference center. Password required.

Visit and sample FMCS online meeting rooms and collaborative tools, powered by TAGS technology.

Meeting / Conference / Convention Facilitation
Whether on the Internet or in person, TAGS-enabled meetings deliver a more focused, inclusive and less adversarial environment than traditional meetings. This is also true for collecting/organizing data in large scale meetings like conferences and conventions.

Online Mediation
Whether for traditional or interest-based negotiations in person or remote, TAGS enhances both the process and its outcome

Online Meetings
In a secure environment, a suite of electronic tools allows for effective dialogue, clear capture of information, and opportunity to make progress far beyond manual methods.

Online Surveys
We create custom surveys to examine pre-bargaining issues, LMC/LMF committee effectiveness, poll practitioners and/or employees on workplace problems and possible solutions, strategic planning and have used TAGS tech in school systems to address issues with “bullying”.

Strategic Planning & Focus Group Surveys
Instead of waiting for the next meeting, TAGS moves the strategic planning process online, and makes focus groups more effective.

Contact Us
Contact your local FMCS office to learn more about how your mediator can use these tools to improve your effectiveness.