OTT Statistics

To view interactive metrics charts, visit the Technology Transfer Metrics webpage.

(NIH, CDC, and FDA)

Fiscal Year
Activity 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Invention Disclosures 351 352 320 370 292 320 331 303 237
New U.S. Patent Applications Filed2 181 147 135 153 196 205 294 184 124
Total U.S. Patent Applications Filed 303 300 303 358 301 284 342 246 180
Issued U.S. Patents 131 130 122 197 151 152 145 114 180
Executed Licenses 197 198 180 222 275 285 328 329 342
Royalties ($ in millions) $96.9 $111.2 $116.6 $137.7 $147.1 $137.8 $135.6 $110.9 $78.2
Executed CRADAs (NIH Only) 68 93 77 79 101 115 111 82 88
  Standard 40 57 46 45 73 89 93 63 74
  Material 28 36 31 34 28 26 18 19 14

1 FY 11 through FY 13, metrics reflect aggregated data of NIH and FDA. FY 14 through FY 16, metrics reflect aggregated data of NIH, FDA, and CDC. Starting in FY 17, metrics reflect aggregated data of NIH and CDC, only. For all metrics, there is an exception where it is denoted as NIH only.
2 Patent applications include only the first U.S. patent application for a new disclosure filed in the reporting period (data include CIP filings but not Divisional applications).


(NIH and FDA)

Fiscal Year
Activity 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Invention Disclosures 400 403 388 367 419 402 353 340
New U.S. Patent Applications Filed1 196 199 186 173 178 176 156 147
Total U.S. Patent Applications Filed 382 396 347 309 354 343 300 304
Issued U.S. Patents 86 122 66 93 117 88 110 134
Executed Licenses 209 276 313 254 264 259 215 2262
($ in millions)
$53.7 $56.3 $98.2 $82.7 $87.7 $97.2 $91.2 $91.6
Executed CRADAs
(NIH Only)
84 87 80 51 44 72 77 66
  Standard 36 43 39 22 23 33 33 39
  Material 48 44 41 29 21 39 44 27
1 Patent applications include only the first U.S. patent application for a new disclosure filed in the reporting period (data include CIP filings but not Divisional applications).
2 Starting in FY 10, the number does not include administrative amendments that modify executed license agreements to correct or clarify non-substantive terms or obligations.


(NIH and FDA)

Fiscal Year
Activity 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Invention Disclosures 271 196 268 287 294 330 379 331
Patent Applications 147 136 148 132 169 189 179 173
Issued Patents 100 127 152 171 163 120 99 88
Executed Licenses 160 184 208 215 204 188 200 231
Royalties ($ in millions) $19.4 $27.0 $35.7 $39.6 $44.6 $52.0 $46.1 $51.0
Executed CRADAs
(NIH Only)
32 87 153 149 126 109 120 101
  Standard 32 44 32 43 48 34 44 34
  Material NA 43 121 106 78 75 76 67
1 Historical data prior to introduction of automated tracking and analysis systems.