North Korea Sanctions

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Recent Updates:

On May 14, 2020, the U.S. Departments of State and Treasury, and the U.S. Coast Guard, issued an advisory to provide those engaged or involved in trade in the maritime industry and energy and metals sectors with further information and tools to counter current and emerging trends related to illicit shipping and sanctions evasion.   

For additional advisories and information, please see the section below.

Important Advisories and information:

Sanctions advisories highlight the sanctions evasion tactics used by North Korea.  Parties subject to U.S. and/or United Nations sanctions should be aware of these practices in order to implement appropriate controls to ensure compliance with their legal requirements.

Recent Legislation:

The Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) introduces additional sanctions with regard to North Korea.  Please visit the link below for more information.

Sanctions Brochures

Sanctions Brochures are an overview of OFAC's regulations with regard to the North Korea sanctions.  They are useful quick reference tools. 

Frequently Asked Questions

OFAC has compiled hundreds of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about its sanctions programs and related policies.  The links below send the user to the entire list of OFAC's FAQs.

Interpretive Guidance

OFAC issues interpretive guidance on specific issues related to the sanctions programs it administers.  These interpretations of OFAC policy are sometimes published in response to a public request for guidance or may be released proactively by OFAC in order to address a complex topic.

Applying for a Specific OFAC License

It may be in your and the U.S. government’s interest to authorize particular economic activity related to the North Korea sanctions.  Certain activities related to the North Korea sanctions may be allowed if they are licensed by OFAC.  Visit the link below to apply for an OFAC license.

General Licenses

OFAC issues general licenses in order to authorize activities that would otherwise be prohibited with regard to North Korea.  General licenses allow all US persons to engage in the activity described in the general license without needing to apply for a specific license.  All valid North Korea general licenses are now included in the recently issued North Korea regulations (specifically 31 CFR Part 510). 

Guidance on OFAC Licensing Policy

Certain activities related to North Korea may be allowed if they are licensed by OFAC.  Below OFAC has issued guidance and statements on specific licensing policies as they relate to the North Korea.

  • Licenses for Legal Fees and Costs - Guidance on the Release of Limited Amounts of Blocked Funds for Payment of Legal Fees and Costs Incurred in Challenging the Blocking of U.S. Persons in Administrative or Civil Proceedings
  • Entities Owned By Blocked Persons - Guidance On Entities Owned By Persons Whose Property And Interests In Property Are Blocked

Executive Orders, Statutes, Rules and Regulations Relating to North Korea

The North Korea sanctions program represents the implementation of multiple legal authorities.  Some of these authorities are in the form of executive orders issued by the President.  Other authorities are public laws (statutes) passed by The Congress.  These authorities are further codified by OFAC in its regulations which are published as the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).  Modifications to these regulations are posted in the Federal Register.  In addition to all of these authorities, OFAC may also implement United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs) with regard to the North Korea. 


  • Proclamation 8271 - Termination of the Exercise of Authorities Under the Trading With the Enemy Act With Respect to North Korea (Effective Date - June 27, 2008)

Executive Orders

  • 13810 - Imposing Additional Sanctions with Respect to North Korea (Effective date - September 21, 2017)
  • 13722 - Blocking Property of the Government of North Korea and the Workers' Party of Korea, and Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to North Korea (Effective date - March 16, 2016)
  • 13687 - Imposing Additional Sanctions with Respect to North Korea​ (Effective date - January 2, 2015)​
  • 13570 - Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect To North Korea (Effective date - April 18, 2011)
  • 13551 - Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to North Korea (Effective date - August 30, 2010)
  • 13466 - Continuing Certain Restrictions With Respect to North Korea and North Korean Nationals (June 26, 2008)



Code of Federal Regulations

Federal Register Notices

  • 85 FR 20158-20 Amended North Korea Sanctions Regulations
  • 84 FR 30868-19 Amended North Korea Sanctions Regulations
  • 83 FR 9182-18 Amended North Korea Sanctions Regulations, 31 CFR Part 510
  • 76 FR 35740​-11 amending the North Korea Sanctions Regulations to implement Executive Order 13570
  • 76 FR 35739-11​ removing parts 500 and 505 from 31 CFR chapter V pursuant to Proclamation 8271 of June 26, 2008
  • 75 FR 67912-10 North Korea Sanctions Regulations, 31 CFR part 510
  • 72 FR 4960-07 Foreign Assets Control Regulations - Amendment to prohibit U.S. persons from registering vessels in North Korea
  • 71 FR 17345-06 Foreign Assets Control Regulations - Amendment to limit the authorization of property transactions involving North Korea

United Nations Security Council Resolutions

  • 2397 (22 December 2017)
  • 2375 (11 September 2017)
  • 2371 (5 August 2017)
  • 2356 (2 June 2017)
  • 2321 (30 November 2016)
  • 2270 (2 March 2016)
  • 2094 (7 March 2013)
  • 2087 (22 January 2013)
  • 1874 (12 June 2009)
  • 1718 (14 October 2006)