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Opportunities for Short Assignments / Details at the NIH

The following opportunities are available through the Office of Intramural Research:

The NIH Catalyst (OIR)

On detail to The NIH Catalyst, intramural scientists will participate in the life of the newsletter, from its planning, writing, graphics, photography, editing and copy-editing, to its layout and proof review. The detailee will write one or more articles for The Catalyst on either a scientific or science policy subject. Catalyst staff will give the detailee specific training in formulating newsworthy story ideas and in journalistic writing and its differences and commonalties with writing for scientific papers. Contact OIR Director of Communications Christopher Wanjek (301-402-4274) or Catalyst Editor Laura Carter (301-402-1449). Shorter-term assignments can be arranged for scientists who cannot do a full detail to The Catalyst but wish to round out their portfolios with writing for a general scientific audience.

Office of NIH History and Stetten Museum (ONHM)

The ONHM advances the historical understanding of the biomedical research conducted at the NIH by documenting, preserving, and interpreting the history of significant NIH achievements, scientists, and policies. An ONMH experience would provide the individual with an opportunity preserve NIH history through the collection and organization of archives and objects, as well as the creation of virtual and physical exhibits. The material heritage in our collections include instruments, objects, images, films, voices, notebooks, illustrations, and myriad documents. These historical resources preserved by ONHM are of inestimable value to this and future generations of researchers. Interested NIH staff and volunteers should contact ONHM Curator Michele Lyons at or 301-496-7695.

Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE)

The OITE experience would provide the individual with an opportunity to become involved in program development and program evaluation activities. Specifically, the trainee would also have an opportunity to work on projects designed to prepare fellows for academic careers by developing teaching skills that are not usually acquired through the NIH experience. The OITE experience would also enable the trainee to contribute to the development of a career services program that would better meet the needs of fellows as they prepare to transition from the NIH to other venues. Finally, we can provide opportunities for fellows to design instruments to be used in evaluating the effectiveness of a range of OITE programs and initiatives. Contact Dr. Patricia Sokolove at 301 402-3889.

The page was last updated on Friday, January 10, 2020 - 1:01pm