Federal Financial Report (FFR)

Information on submitting the Federal Financial Report (FFR), one of three reports to closeout a grant, via the eRA Commons.

Recipients of federal funds are required to report the status of funds for grants or assistance agreements via the Federal Financial Report (FFR) expenditure data. The FFR module allows grantees to electronically submit a statement of expenditures associated with their grant to the sponsor of the grant via eRA Commons. The schedule for submitting FFR is generally specified in the award documents of a grant or contract.

Expenditure data for grant awards is now reported to the NIH via the Federal Financial Report (FFR).

Basic Tasks (Step-by-step instructions from the online help)*

* You must be logged into eRA Commons with appropriate role(s) to complete these activities. 

Main Screenshots

Click on thumbnail image to expand to full view.


The FFR link in eRA Commons navigation bar

Figure 1: The FFR link in eRA Commons navigation bar when the user has the FSR role

Search for Federal Financial Report (FFR) screen

Figure 2: Search for Federal Financial Report (FFR) screen

Additional Resources
