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DOT logo NAVCEN logo 50th Meeting of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee

At the Institute of Navigation GNSS 2010 Conference
Portland Convention Center
20-21 September 2010


Monday, 20 September 2010

08:15 Registration

Morning Concurrent Sessions:

· International Information Session ·
John Wilde, Chair, IISC

09:00 Welcome/Opening
Karen VanDyke, Department of Transportation RITA, Chair, CGSIC

9:05 Introductions
John Wilde, Chair of the International Information Subcommittee of the CGSIC

  ICAO PBN and APV activities
Mr. Ian Mallett, CASA Australia
View presentation (13 MB PDF)

  Update on GNSS Activities in Japan
Mr. Hiroshi Nishiguchi, Japan GPS Council
View presentation (623 KB PDF)

  GNSS in Russia
Mr. Sergey Revnivykh, Russian Federation
View presentation (4 MB PDF)


  Location as a key enabler for a Digital Society
Prof. Terry Moore, GRACE
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

  GNSS In-Band Interference Rejection
Mr. Javad Ashjaee, Javad
View presentation (3 MB PDF)

  International Navigation & Positioning Developments from a Testing Viewpoint
Mr John Pottle, Spirent
View presentation (828 KB PDF)

12:30 Session End

· U.S. States and Local Government Session ·
Rudy Persaud, Federal Highway Administration, Chair USS&LGSC

9:00 Welcome Remarks
CAPT Frank Parker, Commanding Officer NAVCEN, Deputy Chair CGSIC

9:05 Introductions
Rudy Persaud, USDOT/Federal Highway Administration, Chair, U. S. States and Local Government Subcommittee of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee

9:15 Nationwide Differential GPS Projects Status
Lt Christian Hernaez, U.S Coast Guard Navigation Center
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

9:40 GPS Activities within Maryland
Joseph White, Maryland State Highway Administration
View presentation (7 MB PDF)

10:05 Real-time GNSS Surveying in Oregon
Ken Bays, OR DOT and Mark Armstrong, OR Geodetic Advisor
View presentation (14 MB PDF)

10:30 - 10:45 Break

10:45 High Accuracy Nationwide Differential GPS
James Arnold, USDOT/Federal Highway Administration
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

11:10 What's going to happen when high precision GPS is cheap?
Eric Gakstatter, GPS World
View presentation (673 KB PDF)

11:35 Integrating NDGPS and SBAS - An Optimal real-time GPS Mapping Solution
Jean-Yves Lauture, Geneq inc. Montreal, Quebec Canada
View presentation (5 MB PDF)

12:00 Wrap-up and Nomination for Co-Chair and Secretary

12:30 Session End

Afternoon Concurrent Sessions:

· Timing Session ·
Dr. Wlodzimierz Lewandowski, BIPM, Chair; Co-Chair: Victor Zhang, NIST

14:00 Introduction
Wlodzimierz Lewandowski, BIPM
View presentation (791 KB PDF)

14:20 Report from NIST
Victor Zhang, NIST
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

14:50 Report from USNO
Demetrios Matsakis, USNO
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

15:20 Break

15:40 ITU works on new definition of UTC
Ron Beard, NRL - to be confirmed
View presentation (133 KB PDF)

15:55 Report on UN International Committee on GNSS
Wlodzimierz Lewandowski, BIPM

16:10 Update on Time and Navigation Exhibition at the Smithsonian
Carlene E. Stephens, National Museum of American History - to be confirmed
View presentation (3 MB PDF)

16:25 Discussion

17:30 Session End

· Surveying, Mapping, and Geosciences Session ·
Giovanni Sella, NOAA-National Geodetic Survey, Chair

14:00 Introduction
Giovanni Sella, NOAA-National Geodetic Survey, Chair
View presentation (181 KB PDF)

CORS User Forum Topics to be discussed:

  • Revised Datum Definition for NAD83
  • Absolute Antenna Calibrations
  • Real-Time Positioning


17:30 Session End

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

08:00 Registration

CGSIC Plenary Session

09:00 Welcome/Opening
Karen VanDyke, Department of Transportation RITA, Chair, CGSIC

09:05 Meeting Overview
CAPT Frank Parker, Commanding Officer NAVCEN, Deputy Chair

09:10 Key Note Address - CGSIC Past, Present, and Future
James T. Doherty, CAPT (ret) USCG, Senior Analyst, Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) Science & Technology Division

09:30 U.S. National Space-Based PNT Update
Col. Robert M. Hessin, Deputy Director,U.S. National Coordination Office for Space Based PNT
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

09:50 GPS Program Update
LtCol Stephen Steiner, Chief Engineer, GPS wing
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

10:10 GPS Constellation Status and Performance
LtCol Michael T. Manor, U.S. Air Force, 2SOPS
View presentation (821 KB PDF)

10:30 Break

10:45 GPS International Activities
David A. Turner, Deputy Director, Office of Space and Advanced Technology, U.S. Department of State
View presentation (842 KB PDF)

11:10 U.S. Interference Detection & Mitigation Plan (IDM)
Rick Hamilton, CGSIC Executive Secretariat, USCG Navigation Center
View presentation (11 MB PDF)

11:35 Q/A Panel

12:00 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 WAAS and LAAS Program Status
Leo Eldredge, GNSS Program Manager, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
View presentation (3 MB PDF)

13:50 NDGPS Program Update
Timothy Klein, U.S. Department of Transportation, RITA
View presentation (3 MB PDF)

14:10 National PNT Architecture Update
Karen VanDyke, Department of Transportation RITA
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

14:30 GNSS Evolutionary Architecture Study Update
Leo Eldredge, GNSS Program Manager, FAA
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

14:50 GPS User Perspective "Addiction; the First Annual Meeting of Accuracy Anonymous."
Alan Cameron, GPS World Magazine

15:10 User Feedback Forum

  NANU issues
Hank Skalski, DOT Liaison to U.S. Air Force Space Command
View presentation (206 KB PDF)

  Receiver Logic Issues
Captain Frank Parker, Commanding Officer, USCG NAVCEN
View presentation (379 KB PDF)

15:30 SVN-49 and SVN-62
Karl Kovach, GPS Wing
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

16:10 Q/A Panel (Presenters)

16:30 Break

16:45 Subcommittee Reports

  Report from International Information Subcommittee
John Wilde, DW International

  Report from Timing Subcommittee
Dr. Wlodzimierz Lewandowski, BIPM
View presentation (791 KB PDF)

  Report from U.S. States and Local Government Subcommittee
Rudy Persaud, FHWA
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

  Report from Surveying, Mapping, and Geosciences Subcommittee
Giovanni Sella, NGS
View presentation (558 KB PDF)

17:30 Adjourn

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