Conservatory Closed

To limit the risk of transmitting COVID-19 coronavirus, the United States Botanic Garden (USBG) has changed its operations. The Conservatory and gated outdoor gardens are temporarily closed to the public while Bartholdi Park and the Terrace Gardens remain open. Please monitor this website for updates to operating status. Many resources can be accessed online, including educational materials, virtual tours, informational videos, and our fall programs will all be online. Connect with resources from home at

Sustainable Resources

The U.S. Botanic Garden works with numerous organizations to increase awareness of native plants, protect endangered plants and promote conservation and sustainable practices:

The North American Orchid Conservation Center is a collaboration between the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center and the U.S. Botanic Garden to join public and private organizations to conserve, cultivate and restore North America's native orchids.

Fighting Invasive Plants! The Mid-Atlantic region is overrun with non-native, invasive plants. The USBG worked with The Nature Conservancy and National Park Service on an educational program, brochure and wallet card aimed at engaging citizens to help save our native habitats.

The Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water is working with the USBG on low-impact development techniques, also known as Green Infrastructure. The EPA and USBG are also collaborating on reducing or eliminating storm water runoff at the U.S. Botanic Garden Conservatory. See our Rain Garden on the Conservatory Terrace for the first step of this work.

Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) US, Greenbelt Native Plant Center and USBG are working together on Seeds of Success (SOS), the national native seed-collection program. We collect seeds of native Mid-Atlantic species for long-term storage, research and production to keep native plants from becoming threatened.

BGCI US, the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University and USBG partnered to assess the status of endangered plants in North America. Conserving North America's Threatened Plants: Progress report on Target 8 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation serves as a baseline and is reported as the official North American response to Target 8 of the Convention on Biodiversity.