User Registration

All services and data provided by the Ocean Biology Distributed Active Archive Center (OB.DAAC) via the OceanColor and OceanData websites: the ocean color forum, data ordering and direct data download including access to data from all non-NASA missions that we support (MERIS, GOCI, OLCI, etc, near real-time subscriptions and SeaBASS) now require registration.

Our data will remain available without restriction, but we have aligned our procedures to not only simplify the registration procedure for the data and services that we provide but also, to conform to the NASA policy that requires registration with the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) for user access to all data products and services that access data.

Earthdata Account Setup

EOSDIS data and services are publicly accessible and data are available for download to registered users.

To register:

Please create an Earthdata Login account.

If you have already created an account:

You will not need to re-register for access to OB.DAAC data and services but you may be prompted to authorize a particular application/function/service on our website if you have not used it before. When that occurs, you will be redirected to the Earthdata Login page and asked to authorize that service and then once you agree, you will be automatically redirected back to our website to resume your session.

End User License Agreements (EULAs)

There are currently two data collections archived at the OB.DAAC that require EULAs. When you create your Earthdata account, you must also scroll down and accept the EULA for these missions in order to download the desired data:

  • Sentinel3/OLCI Level-1