Nuclear Engineering Division

Nuclear Criticality Safety

Enhancing capability for assuring safe storage and transport for nuclear materials.


The Nuclear Engineering Division (NE) of Argonne National Laboratory is experienced in performing criticality safety and shielding evaluations for nuclear facilities with complex configurations and operations involving wide ranges of geometries, materials, and neutron spectra. The NE nuclear criticality safety (NCS) capabilities are based on a staff with decades of cumulative experience in both the experimental and analytical aspects of the subject, and who have available to them state-of-the-art software and nuclear data libraries. Division NCS activities are complemented by ongoing R&D programs in software and analytical methods development, nuclear data library validation and benchmark experiment evaluation.


Last Modified: Thu, April 21, 2016 4:49 AM



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For more information:

Nuclear Criticality Safety Section
James A. Morman
Fax:  +1 630-252-4780