Here you find a thumbnail listing of all images stored in the photo gallery Nuclear Criticality Safety. Click on a thumbnail to view the full-size image.

The Zero Power Physics Reactor (ZPPR) at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL).    Image Credit: Argonne National Laboratory  

The Zero Power Physics Reactor (ZPPR) at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL).

Image Credit: Argonne National Laboratory

J. Morman and R. Bucher load samples into the ZPR-6  critical assembly for material worth measurements.    Image Credit: Argonne National Laboratory

J. Morman and R. Bucher load samples into the ZPR-6 critical assembly for material worth measurements.

Image Credit: Argonne National Laboratory

Assortment of materials used to build critical assemblies in the ZPR and ZPPR.    Image Credit: Argonne National Laboratory

Assortment of materials used to build critical assemblies in the ZPR and ZPPR.

Image Credit: Argonne National Laboratory

Example of criticality control zones (striped markers) defined in the Hot Fuels Examination Facility at the INL.    Image Credit: Argonne National Laboratory

Example of criticality control zones (striped markers) defined in the Hot Fuels Examination Facility at the INL.

Image Credit: Argonne National Laboratory

Checkerboard Benchmark Fission Rate Evolution.    Image Credit: NCS, Argonne National Laboratory

Checkerboard Benchmark Fission Rate Evolution.

Image Credit: NCS, Argonne National Laboratory

Dr. Richard D. McKnight, section manager of NE[rq]s Criticality Safety section was awarded a Technical Excellence Award from the Nuclear Criticality Safety Division of the American Nuclear Society (Read article).    The photo shows Dr. McKnight, holding his award plaque. Jim Morman, Award subcommittee chair, is shown at right.    Image Credit: NCSD, American Nuclear Society        

Dr. Richard D. McKnight, section manager of NE’s Criticality Safety section was awarded a Technical Excellence Award from the Nuclear Criticality Safety Division of the American Nuclear Society (Read article).

The photo shows Dr. McKnight, holding his award plaque. Jim Morman, Award subcommittee chair, is shown at right.

Image Credit: NCSD, American Nuclear Society