Division of Strategic Planning

The Division of Strategic Planning strengthens the capacity of HHS to develop strategic plans that accelerate impact, improve outcomes, and achieve the HHS mission. The Division leads the development of the HHS Strategic Plan and guides HHS workgroups in developing topic-specific strategic plans, by integrating leadership priorities with data, evidence, and staff expertise.

HHS Strategic Plan
The Division leads the development of the HHS Strategic Plan, ensuring it reflects the activities that HHS is undertaking over the next four years. The Division aligns the HHS Strategic Plan's goals and objectives with our Priority Goals, the Secretary’s priorities, and other, topic-specific strategic plans implemented by the Department. The HHS Strategic Plan is concise, web-based, and can be updated as conditions change. The plan includes hyperlinks to more details about the Department’s activities.

HHS Topic-Specific Plans
The Division works to ensure HHS topic-specific strategic plans on critical health, public health, and human services topics are supported with strong implementation plans. The Division provides technical assistance to strategic planning workgroups to improve the quality of strategic planning efforts and execution of plans addressing everything from vaccines, to health disparities, to preventing heart attacks and strokes, ensuring that HHS agencies can regularly track progress on these plans. In support of the Department’s strategic management approach, the Division aims to integrate performance measurement, risk management, evidence and evaluation, and budget information into topic-specific strategic plans to ensure they are ambitious, but achievable, and that threats to performance and goal achievement can be identified and mitigated quickly.