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We're currently experiencing technical issues that have delayed the refresh of data in the Consumer Complaint database.

We're currently experiencing technical issues that have delayed the refresh of consumer complaint narratives in the Consumer Complaint database.

We expect to refresh the data in the next few days.

Consumer Complaint Database

This database is a collection of complaints about consumer financial products and services that we sent to companies for response.

Things to know before you use the database

Complaints are published after the company responds, confirming a commercial relationship with the consumer, or after 15 days, whichever comes first. Learn more

Complaints are not necessarily representative of all consumers’ experiences with a financial product or company. Learn more

We don’t verify all the allegations in complaint narratives. Learn more

New! Map complaints by state

Our interactive map shows complaints submitted during the last three years. You can switch between the total complaints submitted or complaints submitted per 1,000 population (the total number of complaints in the geographic area per 1,000 persons living in that area, based on the 2017 American Community Survey (ACS) data).

Selecting a state takes you to the Consumer Complaint Database where you can apply more filters or change the time period. View interactive map

Map shading

Complaints by state the last 3 years

View, sort, and filter data right in your browser.

All complaint data we publish is freely available for anyone to use, analyze, and build on.

Annual Report

Every spring, we report to Congress about trends observed in the complaints we received the prior year in our Consumer Response Annual Report.

About the database

97% of complaints sent to companies get timely responses

The Consumer Complaint Database is a collection of complaints about consumer financial products and services that we sent to companies for response. Complaints are published after the company responds, confirming a commercial relationship with the consumer, or after 15 days, whichever comes first. Complaints referred to other regulators, such as complaints about depository institutions with less than $10 billion in assets, are not published in the Consumer Complaint Database. The database generally updates daily.

See publication criteria

Have an issue with a financial product or service? We have answers to frequently asked questions and can help you connect with companies if you have a complaint. Learn more

What you should consider when using the data

This database is not a statistical sample of consumers’ experiences in the marketplace. Complaints are not necessarily representative of all consumers’ experiences and complaints do not constitute “information” for purposes of the Information Quality Act .

Complaint volume should be considered in the context of company size and/or market share. For example, companies with more customers may have more complaints than companies with fewer customers. We encourage you to pair complaint data with public and private data sets for additional context.

The Bureau publishes the consumer’s narrative description of his or her experience if the consumer opts to share it publicly and after the Bureau takes steps to remove personal information. We don’t verify all the allegations in complaint narratives. Unproven allegations in consumer narratives should be regarded as opinion, not fact. We do not adopt the views expressed and make no representation that consumers’ allegations are accurate, clear, complete, or unbiased in substance or presentation. Users should consider what conclusions may be fairly drawn from complaints alone.

How we use complaint data

Complaints can give us insights into problems people are experiencing in the marketplace and help us regulate consumer financial products and services under existing federal consumer financial laws, enforce those laws judiciously, and educate and empower consumers to make informed financial decisions. We also report on complaint trends annually in Consumer Response’s Annual Report to Congress.

More on how we collect and use the data

97% of complaints sent to companies get timely responses

Past changes to the database

In April 2017, we made some changes to the way products, sub-products, issues, and sub-issues are grouped. The Consumer Complaint Database shows the consumer’s original products, sub-products, issues, and sub-issues selections consistent with the options available on the form at the time the consumer submitted the complaint.

Download the data

Our reports highlight some of what we’re seeing in the complaints we handle, but know there are more ways to use, analyze and build on the data. That’s why we make it possible for you to download the data, once we have taken steps to remove personal information.

You can download all complaint data as either a CSV or JSON file here, or you can download a subset of the data—such as all complaints for a specific product—by filtering the full data set and exporting your results.

Use our data

Looking to export our data and have more control over it? Use our Open Data API.

Field reference

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