Check the filing status of your patent application


Private PAIR

Securely access information on your pending patent application

Sign in to Private PAIR


Public PAIR

For documents and status on publicly available patents and applications

Access Public PAIR



Private PAIR and EFS-Web access

To register for Private PAIR and EFS-Web visit our Getting Started - New Users page

e-Office Action

Learn how to receive e-notification of USPTO communications

PAIR Resources


Quick Start Guides

PAIR Usage Policy

PAIR Resources


Sponsorship Tool

The Sponsorship Tool is now available for registered practitioners to sponsor their support staff to work on their behalf. In order to sponsor support staff, a practitioner must have a registered account and the support staff must each have a account.

Patent Center

Patent Center Info Page 

Patent Center is a new tool for electronic filing and management of patent applications. Visit the Patent Center Info Page for more information. Try the beta replacement for EFS-Web, Private PAIR and Public PAIR.

Access Patent Center


The Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system provides USPTO customers a safe, simple, and secure way to retrieve and download information regarding patent application status. There are two PAIR applications, Public PAIR and Private PAIR. Public PAIR provides access to issued patents and published applications. Private PAIR provides secure real-time access to pending application status and history using a registered account.

In order to access Private PAIR, you must:

  • be a registered patent attorney/agent, an independent inventor, or a person granted limited recognition,

  • have a customer number,

  • have a registered account or be a sponsored practitioner support user

Announcements and Notices

PAIR Announcements- For recent news related to both Public and Private PAIR