Nuclear Engineering Division



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Reactors designed by Argonne National Laboratory


Nuclear Systems Modeling and Design Analysis

  • Reactor Physics and Fuel Cycle Analysis

    Reactor Physics and Fuel Cycle Analysis We have played a major role in the design and analysis of most existing and past reactor types and of many advanced reactors, particularly those cooled by liquid metal. Our researchers have concentrated on developing computer codes for the assessment of reactor performance and safety characteristics, validating computer models by using experimental information obtained at critical facilities and power reactors, and applying these models in analyses that support core design and fuel cycle optimization. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Nuclear Systems Analysis | Research & Test Reactor
  • Nuclear Plant Dynamics and Safety

    Calculated temperature distributions in a nuclear fuel assembly for normal operation and for a loss-of-flow transient
    We perform analyses using large-scale, integrated computer codes which model the entire reactor plant. The product is a transient simulation of the behavior of all the major components in the plant, including fuel and coolant, coolant systems and associated components, and plant control and protection systems. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Engineering Analysis | Nuclear Systems Analysis
  • Nuclear Data Program

    The nuclear data program contributes to the development of comprehensive nuclear reactions and nuclear structure databases, including nuclear data measurement, analysis, modeling and evaluation methodologies, that are implemented in basic science research and advanced nuclear technologies. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Nuclear Systems Analysis
  • Advanced Reactor Development

    Advanced Reactor DevelopmentWe are the leading U.S. National Laboratory for the development of technologies for advanced nuclear power systems. This capability includes expertise in essentially all the major disciplines required in reactor design and development and the project management capability to integrate these disciplines efficiently and effectively. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Engineering Analysis | Nuclear Systems Analysis | Research & Test Reactor

  • Nuclear Waste Form and Repository Performance Modeling

    We develop and apply computer software to address long-term performance of waste forms resulting from electrometallurgical processing of spent nuclear fuel. We are also proficient at developing and using models to assess and predict repository performance with a number of other waste forms and under other impact parameters. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Engineering Analysis
  • Nuclear Energy Systems Design and Development

    We develop designs and concepts for advanced nuclear energy systems, including advanced fast reactors and small modular fast reactors. These design concepts are complete integrated nuclear energy concepts used to understand the impact of introducing various innovative and advanced systems and components on the performance, safety, and the feasibility of the design. Some examples of the design concepts developed are the Small Modular Fast Reactor and the Advanced Burner Test Reactor. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Engineering Analysis | Engineering Development and Applications | Nuclear Systems Analysis

Last Modified: Wed, November 23, 2016 5:24 AM




  • Additional Information on the extensive powerful suite of COMPUTER CODES  maintained or developed by the Nuclear Engineering Division is available in the Software Section of this website.

Postdoc Jobs

  • Postdoctoral Projects
    View a list of NE Postdoctoral Projects related to Nuclear Systems Modeling and Design Analysis

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