Welcome to the Tax Preparer Toolkit

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Coronavirus Updates

The IRS has established a special section focused on steps to help taxpayers, businesses and other affected by the coronavirus on IRS.gov.

This toolkit has everything you need to help you with claims for the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Child Tax Credit/Additional Child Tax Credit/Credit for Other Dependents and the American Opportunity Tax Credit.

It makes it easy for you to prepare quality returns, practice your due diligence, and help your clients get  the credits they are due.

Review our Hot Topics for news you need as a tax return preparer -- proposed and new law and regulations, continuing education opportunities, products and tools to help you meet your due diligence requirements, and more.

Find EITC Income Limits, Maximum Credit Amounts and Tax Law Updates here


Take the Paid Preparer Due Diligence Training Module online. This module covers the technical parts of the due diligence must do's and contains scenarios. Take quizzes to test your knowledge as you complete the training. Then, pass the test, and print a certificate of completion. You may also receive one Continuing Education credit.

Curso en español de Capacitación para la Práctica de Diligencia Debida. Este curso de capacitación del Crédito Tributario por Ingreso del Trabajo (EITC, por sus siglas en inglés) ha sido diseñado para ayudar al profesional de impuestos a entender mejor el crédito y sus responsabilidades bajo las reglas de Diligencia Debida del EITC. Usted podría obtener créditos de educación continua (CE) con este curso.

Watch our Taped Webinars. Learn how to avoid common errors and penalties when determining eligibility for refundable tax credits--EITC, CTC/ACTC/ODC and AOTC. You’ll also hear how due diligence can benefit you, your clients and your business.

Find out About Your Paid Preparer Due Diligence Requirements

Publication 4687, Paid Preparer Due Diligence PDF, can help you comply with due diligence requirements and accurately determine your clients' eligibility for these important tax benefits.

Take our EITC Schedule C and Record Reconstruction Training. Preparers must ask more questions of their clients if the client's statements about self-employment seem inconsistent, incorrect, or incomplete when the tax return includes the EITC, the CTC/ACTC/ODC, AOTC and/or head of household (HOH) filing status. Find out how to meet your due diligence requirements and help your self-employed clients reconstruct their business records.

Find answers to the questions most frequently asked by Preparers

Don’t overlook the state credit! If your clients qualify to claim EITC , they may also be eligible for a similar credit on their state or local income tax return. Twenty-five states, the District of Columbia and New York City offer their residents an earned income tax credit. Find a List of States and Local Governments that have EITC Programs here. Questions about eligibility or how to claim EITC on a state or local return should be directed to your state or local tax authorities.

More Resources:

Learn how to avoid the most common EITC, CTC/ACTC and AOTC errors

Learn how to handle the most difficult due diligence situations.

Learn about refundable credits and get CE credit. See how.......

View our chart for a look at how various child related-credits interact.

Find products to help you meet your due diligence requirements and inform your clients of your responsibility to get it right!

Use the EITC Assistant to show your clients where they stand. They may think they qualify for EITC, but not all of them do - available in English and Spanish. Also see the interactive application "Am I Eligible to Claim an Education Credit?" Or, "Is My Child a Qualifying Child for the Child Tax Credit?"

Use this one-page printable decision tree (questionnaire) to make a preliminary decision to see if your clients are eligible for the EITC. Publication 5334, Do I Qualify for EITC? PDF