Multi-Qubit Coherent Operations (MQCO)

Program Manager

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Program Information

IARPA Day Poster

The Multi-Qubit Coherent Operations Program aims to resolve the technical challenges involved in fabricating and operating multiple qubits in close proximity. The main themes of the program include qubit fabrication and yield; cross talk within the multi-qubit system; incorporation of the controls necessary to operate multiple qubits; coupling qubits to generate a universal gate set for quantum operations; and minimizing the overall system footprint. The program is comprised of different technologies including atomic and solid state based qubits. The end goal of the program is to execute quantum algorithms using multiple qubits and to evaluate the performance using a metric that can scale to higher qubit numbers.

Performers (Prime Contractors)

Duke University; Harvard University; IBM - T.J. Watson Research Center; University of California, Santa Barbara; University of Copenhagen; University of Innsbruck; University of Wisconsin

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