United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Convert SGLI, VGLI or FSGLI to a Commercial Policy



Convert SGLI, VGLI or FSGLI to a Commercial Policy

Under certain conditions, the option to convert to a commercial insurance policy is extended to persons covered under the SGLI and VGLI programs, as well as spouses covered under FSGLI. Select one of the links below to find out when each type of policy may be converted.

Converting SGLI Coverage

Servicemembers covered under the SGLI program have the option to convert their SGLI coverage to an individual policy of insurance within 120 days from the date of separation from the military. In order to convert SGLI coverage, the Servicemember must:

  • Select a company from the Participating Companies listing,
  • Apply to a local sales office of the company selected and,
  • Provide the agent who takes the application a copy of his/her separation document (Form DD-214 or NGB-22, or written Reservist orders along with a copy of last Leave & Earnings Statement (LES)).

Servicemembers may convert their coverage to a commercial policy at standard premium rates, without having to provide proof of good health. The conversion policy must be a permanent policy, such as a whole life policy.

Other types of policies, such as Term, Variable Life, or Universal Life Insurance are not allowed as conversion policies. In addition, supplementary policy benefits such as Accidental Death and Dismemberment or Waiver of Premium for Disability are not considered part of the conversion policy.

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Converting Spousal SGLI Coverage

Spouses who are insured under the Family SGLI program have the option to convert Spousal Coverage to an individual policy of insurance within 120 days from any of the following events:

  • The date of the Servicemember’s separation from the military
  • The date of the Servicemember’s divorce from current spouse
  • The date of the Servicemember’s written election (Form SGLV-8286A) to terminate Spousal SGLI coverage
  • The date of the Servicemembers written election (Form SGLV-8286) to terminate his/her SGLI coverage
  • The date of the Servicemember’s death.

Spouses covered under Family SGLI may convert their coverage to a commercial policy at standard premium rates, without having to provide proof of good health. The conversion policy must be a permanent policy, such as a whole life policy.

Other types of policies, such as Term, Variable Life, or Universal Life Insurance are not allowed as conversion policies. In addition, supplementary policy benefits such as Accidental Death and Dismemberment or Waiver of Premium for Disability are not considered part of the conversion policy.

If a spouse wishes to convert Spousal SGLI Coverage, the spouse must apply for conversion within 120 days from any of the events listed above and must also:

  • Select a company from the Participating Companies listing,
  • Apply to a local sales office of the company selected,
  • Give a copy of the most recent Leave & Earnings Statement (LES) to the agent, showing the deduction for Spousal SGLI, along with an applicable proof of coverage from the list below:
  1. The Servicemember’s separation document (Form DD-214 or NGB-22, or written orders).
  2. The Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage the spouse and the Servicemember.
  3. The Servicemember’s FSGLI Spousal declination Form SGLV-8286A.
  4. The Servicemember’s SGLI declination Form SGLV-8286.
  5. The Servicemember’s proof of death (Report of Casualty Form DD 1300 or civilian death certificate).

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Converting VGLI Coverage

VGLI policyholders have the option to convert their VGLI coverage to an individual policy of insurance at any time. In order to convert VGLI coverage, the policyholder must:

  • Select a company from the Participating Companies listing,
  • Apply to a local sales office of the company selected,
  • Obtain a letter from OSGLI verifying coverage (VGLI Conversion Notice),
  • Give a copy of that notice to the agent who takes the application

Policyholders may convert their coverage to a commercial policy at standard premium rates, without having to provide proof of good health. The conversion policy must be a permanent policy, such as a whole life policy.

Other types of policies, such as Term, Variable Life, or Universal Life Insurance are not allowed as conversion policies. In addition, supplementary policy benefits such as Accidental Death and Dismemberment or Waiver of Premium for Disability are not considered part of the conversion policy.

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