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USDA Strategic Goals

The USDA FY2018-2022 Strategic Plan (PDF, 1.8 MB) will guide the work of all of us at USDA in the coming years to ensure our efforts best serve the American public.

As part of our vision to make USDA the most efficient, most effective, and most customer-focused department in the federal government, we have established seven strategic goals for fiscal years 2018-2022.

Strategic Goals for FY2018-2022

  1. Ensure USDA programs are delivered efficiently, effectively, and with integrity and a focus on customer service.
  2. Maximize the ability of American agricultural producers to prosper by feeding and clothing the world.
  3. Promote American agricultural products and exports.
  4. Facilitate rural prosperity and economic development.
  5. Strengthen the stewardship of private lands through technology and research.
  6. Foster productive and sustainable use of our National Forest System Lands.
  7. Provide all Americans access to a safe, nutritious and secure food supply.

Our strategic goals outline key priorities and strategies, and objectives to achieve them. Over the next four years, we will continue to provide the best possible service to our customers – the farmers, ranchers, foresters, and producers of American agriculture and “do right and feed everyone.”

Download the Strategic Goals (PDF, 167 KB).

Strategic Goal #1: Ensure USDA Programs are Delivered Efficiently, Effectively, and with Integrity and a Focus on Customer Service


  1. Modernize information technology infrastructure, facilities and support services to improve the customer experience.
  2. Maintain a high performing workforce through employee engagement and empowerment.
  3. Remove obstacles in USDA programs by reducing regulatory burdens and streamlining processes.
  4. Improve stewardship of resources and utilize data-driven analyses to maximize the return on investment.

Strategic Goal #2: Maximize the Ability of American Agricultural Producers to Prosper by Feeding and Clothing the World


  1. Provide an effective financial safety net for farmers and ranchers to sustain economically viable agricultural production and support rural jobs and economic growth.
  2. Increase agricultural opportunities and support economic growth by creating new markets and supporting a competitive agricultural system.
  3. Protect agricultural health by preventing and mitigating the spread of agricultural pests and diseases.

Strategic Goal #3: Promote American Agricultural Products and Exports


  1. Expand international marketing opportunities.
  2. Prevent or resolve barriers to trade that hinder U.S. food and agricultural exports.
  3. Build demand in developing countries through trade capacity building.

Strategic Goal #4: Facilitate Rural Prosperity and Economic Development


  1. To expand rural business opportunity and rural quality of life with access to capital; improve infrastructure, broadband access and connectivity; and support workforce availability.

Strategic Goal #5: Strengthen the Stewardship of Private Lands through Technology and Research


  1. Enhance conservation planning with science-based tools and information.
  2. Promote productive working lands.
  3. Enhance productive agricultural landscapes.

Strategic Goal #6: Foster Productive and Sustainable Use of Our National Forest System Lands


  1. Contribute to the economic health of rural communities through use and access opportunities.
  2. Ensure lands and watersheds are sustainable, healthy and productive.
  3. Mitigate wildfire risk.

Strategic Goal #7: Provide all Americans Access to a Safe, Nutritious and Secure Food Supply


  1. Prevent foodborne illness and protect public health.
  2. Provide access to safe and nutritious food for low-income people while supporting a pathway to self-sufficiency.
  3. Support and encourage healthy dietary choices through data-driven, flexible and customer-focused approaches.