Sustainability Study of Former PAF Programs

Key Questions:

  • Are former OAH grantees able to continue their programs after their federal funding ends and if so, in what form?
  • What helps grantees sustain?
  • What challenges do grantees face when trying to sustain their work?
  • What supports should be provided during the grant and as it ends to help grantees continue their efforts?

Study Design

This three-year study from 2015 to 2018 provides insight into how the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH), now merged with the Office of Population Affairs (OPA),programs sustained their work after federal funding ended. It focuses on the 71 former grantees who were not awarded renewed funding in the second rounds of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) and the Pregnancy Assistance Fund (PAF) programs. These grantees represent over 60 percent of the original cohorts. The research team reviewed grantee documents and held two rounds of interviews with former OAH grantees.

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