BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
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Home  | FAQs: Employment and Expenditure
FAQs: Employment and Expenditure

How do I get paper copies of older reports that are not on your webpage?
You no longer have to order paper copies of BJS reports released prior to 1995. More than 450 BJS pu...  Read More

What percentage of public employees are devoted to criminal justice at the state and local levels, and by which functions?
In 2012, about 11% (or 2.1 million persons) of all public employees at the state and local levels wo...  Read More

What types of justice employment and expenditure data does the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) collect?
An increasing amount of financial and human resources continues to be devoted to federal, state, and...  Read More

What contributions do federal, state, and local budgets make to justice expenditures in the United States?
In 2012, local governments funded half (or $132 billion) of all direct justice system—police p...  Read More

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