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Mission & Strategic Plan

The mission of the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) is to promote and improve the health of individuals, families, and communities.

NINR Strategic Plan (2022–2026) – Under Development

NINR is developing its next strategic plan, which will describe our future research goals and objectives and our vision for the field of nursing science in the coming years. The new strategic plan, to be released in late 2021/early 2022, will build on NINR’s past accomplishments and present a bold, new research agenda to advance nursing science.

As we develop the plan over the next year, we are committed to embracing change and new opportunities, to focusing on the impact of the research we support, and to encouraging the nurse scientists of today to serve as role models and mentors to the next generation. Most importantly, we want our community to be our partners in developing the new plan. Over the coming months, there will be multiple opportunities for our stakeholders to provide input on what they envision for the future of nursing science. We encourage everyone—investigators, students, organizations, and the public—to give us your feedback and ideas.

We want to hear from you!

Please check this webpage often throughout the development of the new plan for updates on how you can contribute. We’ve established an email box for you to write us at any time with your ideas about future research directions. That address is

Strategic Plan Working Group

NINR Strategic Plan (2017–2021)

Read the NINR Strategic Plan: Advancing Science, Improving Lives (complete PDF version, 3.1 MB).

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