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Homeland Security Academic Advisory Council (HSAAC)

The Homeland Security Academic Advisory Council (HSAAC) provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary and senior leadership on matters related to homeland security and the academic community, including: student and recent graduate recruitment; international students; academic research and faculty exchanges; campus resilience; homeland security academic programs; and cybersecurity.

Homeland Security Academic Advisory Council (HSAAC) Members

Dr. David M. Dooley, Chair

  • Dr. Roslyn Clark Artis, President, Benedict College
  • Dr. Eric J. Barron, President, Pennsylvania State University
  • Dr. Lezli Baskerville, President & CEO, National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO)
  • Mr. Bruce D. Benson, President, University of Colorado
  • Ms. Carrie L. Billy, President & CEO, American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC)
  • Dr. Walter G. Bumphus, President & CEO, American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
  • Dr. David M. Dooley, President, University of Rhode Island
  • Dr. Antonio R. Flores, President & CEO, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)
  • Dr. Beverly Wade Hogan, President, Tougaloo College
  • Dr. Jim Johnsen, President, University of Alaska System
  • Dr. Renu Khator, Chancellor and President, University of Houston
  • Dr. Carol A. Leary, President, Bay Path University
  • Dr. Dawn Lindsay, President, Anne Arundel Community College
  • Hon. Ruby G. Moy, President & CEO, Asian American & Pacific Islander Association of Colleges and Universities (APIACU)
  • Rear Admiral James Rendon, Superintendent, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
  • Mr. Michael K. Young, President, Texas A&M University
  • Mr. David Adams (Ex-Officio), Senior Policy Advisor for Law Enforcement, U.S. Department of Justice
  • Mr. David Esquith (Ex-Officio), Director, Office of Safe and Healthy Students, U.S. Department of Education
  • Mr. Edward Ramotowski (Ex-Officio), Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services, U.S. Department of State


HSAAC Materials

Past Meetings

Press Releases and Blog Posts

Last Published Date: June 20, 2018

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