Connecting the global microfinance and financial inclusion community

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FinDev COVID-19 Update | 03 - 16 Dec 2020

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past two weeks

Latest from Our Blog


Freedom on Wheels – A Ride to Economic Empowerment

How motorcycle loans could help women banking agents in India bring financial inclusion to remote and vulnerable populations.


A Second Wave of Economic Hardship May Be Looming for MFI Clients

Survey data from 60 Decibels show that despite improving MFI performance, clients are becoming more vulnerable as the COVID-19 crisis goes on.

“Covid-19” image by Prachatai on Unsplash. Used with permission.

COVID-19 Resource Hub

This collective space brings together the latest news, publications, blogs, events and other resources that organizations are sharing as we all struggle to manage this unprecedented global crisis. We invite you to include your resources by sharing your work on FinDev Gateway.


Launched in June and running through December 2020, the CGAP Global Pulse Survey of Microfinance Institutions is the first survey that aims to capture the full picture of COVID-19’s impact on microfinance at the global, regional, and national levels. 

FinDev Blog

How the Ethiopian government is tackling the challenge of declining remittances and economic contraction brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Latest Publications

FinDev Gateway hosts publications from over 2,000 organizations. Explore the largest collection of resources on microfinance and financial inclusion including over 8,000 papers, case studies, toolkits and more.


Time to Guarantee E-Money Users’ Funds

Coordinating deposit guarantee coverage with trust in e-money and payment services activities
Paper / Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion

Rapid Response for Social Payments During COVID-19

Country-specific examples and key takeaways on what governments are doing to enable rapid payments to the unbanked
Paper / Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Sustainable Recovery Options for Mongolia’s Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises

How was the sector affected by the crises brought about by the pandemic and how can it recover?

News & Events

Keep up with the global microfinance and financial inclusion community. Check out the latest news from across the sector, and an extensive calendar of events and trainings hosted by a wide range of organizations.

FinDev Webinars

FinDev Webinars enable financial inclusion practitioners to share lessons and attend online presentations and discussions delivered by the world’s leading financial inclusion experts.

What Is the Future of Microfinance?

What does the COVID-19 crisis mean for the future of microfinance? Should MFIs take digital transformation more seriously? What will it take to get them there? And what is at stake if they don’t modernize?

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