  • Hurricane Storm Surge

    11,170 views 3 years ago
    Powerful winds aren’t the only deadly force during a hurricane. The greatest threat to life actually comes from the water – in the form of storm surge.

    Original video source: http://oceantoday.noaa.gov/......

    Ocean Today is an interactive exhibit that plays short videos on ocean related themes.
    Visitors can select from 150+ videos on topics ranging from deep-­‐sea exploration, marine species, and restoration projects to hurricanes, oceans and human health, and
    climate science and research. These videos are a free resource and are available on our website at oceantoday.noaa.gov. Show less
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    Ocean Today

    Ocean Today is an interactive exhibit that plays short videos on ocean related themes. Visitors can select from 200+ videos on topics ranging from deep-­‐sea exploration, marine species, and restoration projects to hurricanes, oceans and human health, and climate science and research. These videos are a free resource and are available on our website at oceantoday.noaa.gov.

    The Ocean Today kiosk was originally developed for the Sant Ocean Hall -- a permanent exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History. Ocean Today kiosks are now located at 37 aquaria, science centers, museums, and visitor centers in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and the U.K. To learn more about the program or to get a kiosk at your facility, visit our website.
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    NOAA Ocean Podcast (video episodes)

    Subscribe to our podcasts here: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/podcast/
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