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Photo of steam rising from a body of water in front of hilly land covered with trees.

NREL researches, develops, and demonstrates technologies to advance the use of geothermal energy as a clean, renewable, domestic power source for the United States.

Photo of a geothermal power plant in a rural area with hills, grass, and shrubs

Impact and Market Analysis

We have the expertise to support the geothermal industry as it continues to evolve. We understand emerging trends. And we troubleshoot existing technical barriers.

GeoVision Study

Photo of large gears on a drilling apparatus

Technology Innovation

We're exploring the benefits of combining geothermal with other renewable energy systems. And we're studying new techniques to increase the production of geothermal energy.

Geothermal Co-Production and Hybrid Systems


Photo of a woman in a hard hat with a large, drilling apparatus behind her in a grassy field


As a recognized leader in geothermal energy systems development and testing, we partner with other research laboratories, companies, foundations, government agencies, and universities to help advance the use of geothermal energy worldwide.

NREL Helping the Bureau of Land Management Dive Further into Hot Water

NREL's Geothermal Program supports DOE's Geothermal Technologies Office R&D activities.