An official website of the United States government.

Risk Management Plan (RMP) Policies and Fact Sheets

RMP Policies

Security Notice To Federal, State and Local Officials Receiving Access to the Risk Management Program’s Off-site Consequence Analysis Information
Updated: October 2016

Strategy for Coordinated EPA/Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Implementation of the Chemical Accident Prevention Requirements of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
Issued: August 1998

Memorandum of Understanding between EPA and CSB on Chemical Incidents
Issued: March 1999

Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Clean Air Act Section 112(r): Accidental Release Prevention / Risk Management Plan Rule  

The General Duty Clause Fact Sheet 

Small Business and the Risk Management Program

Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention on Tribal Lands

Frequent Questions

Search frequently asked questions or submit your own question or comments in the Risk Management Program (RMP) Rule section of EPA's Frequent Questions Database.

OSHA’s Standard Interpretations and Compliance Letters
A text-searchable website for of interpretations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards by OSHA's Directorate of Compliance Programs. OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) program is closely related to EPA’s RMP program. The page provides search capabilities, as well as numeric and chronological listing of frequent questions.

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Additional Information

Clean Air Act Section 112(r) Inspection Guidance Distribution Memorandum

Guidance for Conducting Risk Management Program Inspections Under Clean Air Act Section 112(r)

General Duty Clause Clean Air Act Section 112(r)(1)

Risk Management Programs under Clean Air Act Section 112(r): Guidance for Implementing Agencies

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