3 Tips For Posting About Whale Watching Experiences

Have you ever gone to a restaurant (or more likely in 2020, placed an online order for food) and been told it will be a 40 minute wait? Frustrating, right? Especially when you’re really hungry! But now think about that AMAZING feeling when it’s only been 25 minutes and your name is called! In this … Continue reading 3 Tips For Posting About Whale Watching Experiences

Ask the Naturalist: What to Bring on a Whale Watch

Early on the morning of a whale watch, the captain and crew are busy checking weather and sea condition reports, making sure they prepare (both themselves and the boat!) accordingly for the upcoming trip. Some of the items on the crew’s packing list should probably be on yours as well! If you’re an avid whale … Continue reading Ask the Naturalist: What to Bring on a Whale Watch

Ask the Naturalist: Why is whale watching important?

There are many reasons why people love whale watching - from the chance to be on or by the sea to the opportunity to be humbled in the presence of a truly massive animal. These experiences are valuable not only in supporting the economy of the communities in which they take place, but, when done … Continue reading Ask the Naturalist: Why is whale watching important?

How are whales protected in the United States?

When you hear that whales are “protected”, what first comes to mind?  Of course, physical walls or barriers would never work for animals that spend their life in the wild and always on the move. Instead, laws to set these determine these boundaries.  Photo: Lilli Mack What are we protecting whales from?  The word, “protect” … Continue reading How are whales protected in the United States?

Ask the Naturalist: How long can a whale hold its breath?

As mammals, all whale species have to breathe air. This is good for whale watchers, because otherwise we’d hardly ever get to see these animals who spend the majority of their life underwater! It's these short moments at the surface of the water that we get to watch them! But, sometimes as quickly as they … Continue reading Ask the Naturalist: How long can a whale hold its breath?