Close up of old glove with fading paint
Trade Remedy Compliance Staff
Helping U.S. companies affected by foreign antidumping, countervailing duty and safeguard investigations of their exports

Foreign AD/CVD or Safeguard Investigation

How Commerce Can Help with Foreign Antidumping, Countervailing Duty, or Safeguard Actions

  • The Trade Remedy Compliance Staff (TRCS) works with U.S. producers and exporters involved in foreign trade remedy proceedings to explain the investigation process, access foreign investigation documents, address concerns with foreign governments, and advocate for fair and transparent treatment for affected U.S. parties.
  • TRCS analyzes the global use of trade remedies; alerts U.S. industry of pending foreign trade remedy actions; evaluates foreign countries’ trade remedy laws, policies, and practices for consistency with WTO rules; and maintains an extensive network of contacts with U.S. businesses, industry associations, and foreign governments.
Visual of foreign trade remedies on U.S. exports

Foreign Trade Remedies on U.S. Exports

Countries with antidumping, countervailing duty, or safeguard proceedings on U.S. exports. List of products and measures by country.
Contact TRCS with additional questions

If ignored, trade remedy investigations can lead to substantial duties being imposed on the affected U.S. exports, and the potential loss of lucrative export markets. If your company is facing a foreign government’s trade remedy investigation, contact the Trade Remedy Compliance Staff at (202) 482-3415 or

WTO Trade Remedy Agreements

Antidumping Measures

If a company exports a product at a price lower than the price it normally charges in its home market, it is said to be “dumping” the product. The WTO Antidumping Agreement disciplines how governments can or cannot react to dumping by imposing an ‘antidumping’ measure.

Countervailing Measures

The WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures disciplines WTO members’ use of subsidies and how governments can or cannot react to subsidies provided by governments to companies and industries by imposing a ‘countervailing’ measure on subsidized imports found to be injuring domestic producers.

Safeguard Measures

WTO members can impose safeguard measures to protect domestic industries being seriously injured by increased imports. The WTO Safeguard Agreement provides the rules for applying a safeguard measure.