Item Lister

Item Lister provides users with the ability to see which item numbers are and are not being selected by any given Federal depository library.

To search, select the type of report and enter the library number.

There are 4 types of lists available through Item Lister:

  1. What the library selects in rows and columns.
  2. What the library does not select in rows and columns.
  3. What the library selects (Y for Yes) and does not select (N for No) in rows and columns.
  4. What the library selects (Y for Yes) and does not select (N for No) in a single column.

Results are arranged by item number.

Update Frequency

The data within Item Lister is updated daily. When dropping and/or adding items:

  • Dropped item numbers are immediately reflected in Item Lister.
  • Adds are not updated until the start of the new fiscal year (October 1).

Use Item Lister in conjunction with: