Alaska Economic and Social Sciences Research

We collect and analyze economic and socio-cultural data to support the conservation and management of Alaska marine resources. We also develop models to use those data both to monitor trends in economic and socio-cultural indicators and estimate the economic and socio-cultural impacts of changing markets, environmental conditions, and fishery management measures.

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Port Lyons, Alaska Fishery.

We collect and analyze economic and socio-cultural data to support the conservation and management of Alaska marine resources. We also develop models to use those data both to monitor trends in economic and socio-cultural indicators and estimate the economic and socio-cultural impacts of changing markets, environmental conditions, and fishery management measures.

Research Areas

Our research can be organized around eight research themes:

  • Markets and Trade
  • Data Collection and Synthesis
  • Recreational Fisheries and Non-Market Valuation
  • Models of Fishermen Behavior, Management and Economic Performance
  • Models with Interactions Across Species; Regional Economic Modeling
  • Socioeconomic, Cultural and Community Analyses
  • Catch Share Programs and Quota Markets 

Current research projects include regional economic impact models, behavioral models of fishing operations, estimating the impact from climate change on fisheries and fishing communities, indicators of economic performance, and non-market valuation of living marine resources.

Economic Status Reports for Alaska Groundfish and Crab Fisheries

We publish two reports annually that compile social and economic information about the federal groundfish fisheries off the coast of Alaska and the federally-managed king and tanner crab fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands (BSAI).

Groundfish Economic Status Report

The Groundfish Economic Status Report (Econ SAFE or Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report) presents summary statistics on catch, value, participation, and effort in the groundfish fisheries, as well as analysis of community engagement in Alaska fisheries, the performance of groundfish catch share programs, and other indicators.

BSAI Crab Economic Status Report

The BSAI Crab Economic Status Report (Crab Econ SAFE) summarizes available economic information about the commercial crab fisheries managed under the Fishery Management Plan for Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crab. It pays particular attention to the subset of fisheries included in the Crab Rationalization program. It includes statistics on catch, value, participation in the BSAI crab fisheries. The report also provides information on employment, income, costs, and quota movement in these fisheries. The groundfish and crab reports are also the primary channel for reporting data collected through the mandatory Economic Data Reporting programs for BSAI Crab, Amendment 91/AFA Pollock, Gulf of Alaska Trawl Groundfish, and Amendment 80.

Additional Resources


Stephen Kasperski, Economic and Social Sciences Research Program



Profiles of Fishing Communities of Alaska

A total of 196 communities have been profiled. The profiles include new information to better contextualize communities' reliance on fishing…


2013 Economic Status Reports for King and Tanner Crab Fisheries of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands

The BSAI crab fisheries managed under the North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Bering Sea/ Aleutian…