University Programs

The Peace Corps offers unique opportunities for students at all levels to get involved in serving while pursuing their education goals.


Paul D. Coverdell Fellows

Graduate school financial assistance for returned Volunteers

Financial assistance is available to returned Peace Corps Volunteers at partner schools in a wide range of disciplines through the Paul D. Coverdell Fellows program. All fellows complete internships in underserved communities in the United States, allowing them to bring home, and expand upon, the skills they learned as Volunteers.

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Returned Volunteers

Join more than 5,000 returned Volunteers who continued their service while pursuing a graduate degree at a reduced cost.

Information for returned Volunteers

University partners

Recruit a returned Volunteer, a unique brand of graduate student both on campus and in the community.

Information for partners

Peace Corps Prep

Certificate program for undergraduates

Peace Corps Prep programs create frameworks for building core competencies critical to being a Peace Corps Volunteer.

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Earn a certificate and get a competitive edge when applying to be a Peace Corps Volunteer.

Information for students

University partners

Prepare students for international development fieldwork and potential Peace Corps service.

Become a partner school

Campus Ambassadors

College students promoting Peace Corps on their campuses

Campus ambassadors are college students who work closely with Peace Corps recruiters to raise the Peace Corps’ profile on campus and introduce the Peace Corps to new and diverse student groups.

Information for students

Past Programs

Master's International

For nearly 30 years, the Master’s International program offered graduate students the opportunity to pair their studies with Peace Corps service abroad. In 2016, Peace Corps retired the historic program.

Information for students and university partners

University Programs FAQs

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All Peace Corps Coverdell fellows are required to complete an internship in an underserved American community within the U.S.
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Serving as a campus ambassador will not directly increase your chances of being selected for Peace Corps service. It can, however, indirectly support your application for future service.
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The Coverdell Fellows Program isn't a scholarship program. The program includes financial support for fellows, but the partner university decides the type and amount of assistance.
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