Activities and Multimedia


Protein Alphabet Icon. Protein Alphabet

Tool for creating customized, colorful visuals of names using the 3D protein alphabet

Kahoot The Science of Sleep Icon. Kahoot! Games

Learning games and quizzes based on content from Scholastic Pathways

Science of Sleep Icon. The Science of Sleep

Interactive showing the science behind the sleep-wake cycle

Crossword Puzzles Icon. Crossword Puzzles

Puzzles based on content from our booklet collection and Findings magazine

Quizzes Icon. Quizzes

Knowledge checks about basic science concepts

Scientific Images and Videos

Image and Video Gallery Icon. Image and Video Gallery

Scientific photos, illustrations, and videos from NIGMS grantees

Life: Magnified Online Icon. "Life: Magnified" Online

NIH-supported microscopy images that were displayed at Washington Dulles International Airport from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015

NIH Image Gallery icon. NIH Image Gallery

NIH health research images, infographics, and videos

The Cell: An Image Library icon. The Cell: An Image Library

Repository of images, videos, and animations of cells from a variety of organisms, funded by NIGMS

iBiology icon. iBiology

Collection of videos that convey the excitement of modern biology research, the scientific process, and the people behind the discoveries, supported by NIGMS