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Cancer Survivorship

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There are millions of adults and children in the United States who are cancer survivors. Many say that although they were relieved when treatment ended, it was hard to transition to a new way of life. It was like entering another world where they had to adjust to new feelings, new problems, changes in support, and different ways of looking at the world.

The pages below provide information to help cope with these changes. To read our booklet for cancer survivors, see NCI's Facing Forward: Life After Cancer Treatment. To learn more about survivorship and NCI research, see our Office of Cancer Survivorship page. 

  • A New Normal

    Adjusting to physical and emotional changes after cancer treatment and tips on coping with fear of recurrence.

  • Follow-Up Medical Care

    Information about follow-up medical care for patients who have completed cancer treatment. Discusses your follow-up care plan, getting a wellness plan, and guidelines for a healthy lifestyle.

  • Late Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

    Cancer treatment can cause late side effects that may not show up for months or years after treatment. These late effects may include heart and lung problems, bone loss, eye and hearing changes, lymphedema, and other problems.

  • Family Issues after Treatment

    Discusses common family problems and issues that often occur after treatment and ways to cope.

  • Care for Childhood Cancer Survivors

    Survivorship care for children who have been treated for cancer is important. Get your child's treatment summary, survivorship plan, and recommendations on follow-up care clinics. Learn about long-term and late effects.

  • Questions to Ask Your Doctor When You Have Finished Treatment

    Suggested questions for cancer patients to ask their doctors after treatment is finished and they are planning for follow-up care and next steps.

As hard as treatment is, many cancer survivors say that the experience led them to make important changes in their lives. It helped them learn the value of being grateful for each day and for the people in their lives.