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Debt Distribution

Debt Distribution

As of January 2013

D-link to raw data in XML format
  • Bills
  • Notes
  • Bonds
  • TIPS
  • Federal Financing Bank
  • Domestic Series
  • Foreign Series
  • REA Series
  • State & Local Government Series
  • U.S. Savings Securities
  • Government Account Series
  • Hope Bonds
  • Other

Debt Distribution

As of January 2013

D-link to raw data in XML format
  • Bills
  • Notes
  • Bonds
  • TIPS
  • Domestic Series
  • Foreign Series
  • REA Series
  • State & Local Government Series
  • U.S. Savings Securities
  • Government Account Series
  • Other

For the Debt Distribution (Interest) graph, the interest expense is cumulative per fiscal year, which includes the months of October through September. In December and June, non-marketable interest will increase due to semiannual interest payments for Special Issue securities that occur at the end of these months.

Security Type

The debt is made up of a variety of security types. Check the rest of our website for a more complete description of each type of security.