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Following are images taken by the ROV Argus during the Secrets of the Gulf Expedition. These images show a couple of different mud volcanos that were visited during the course of the expedition. Instead of magma, methane gas is bubbling up through the sea floor. The resulting cone of sediment resembles a volcano, hence the term "mud volcano".

Click on a picture below to see a larger, hi-resolution image. Credit for all of these photos goes to the Institute for Exploration and University of Rhode Island Institute for Archeological Oceanography (IFE/URIIAO).

Methan gas bubbling out the top of a mud volcano
Methane gas bubbling out the top of an undersea mud volcano.
Close up view of bubbling gas
A close up view of the bubbling gas.
Mud volcano cone with trail of sediment down one side
View of mud volcano crater with overflow channel running down one side.
Mud volcano cone and overflow trail from another angle
Mud volcano crater and overflow trail from another angle.
Fish swimming above overflow channel on side of mud volcano
Fish swimming above overflow channel on side of mud volcano.
Full view of overlow channel down side of mud volcano
Full view of overflow channel down side of mud volcano. Crater visible at top left.
Long shot of an undersea mud volcano
Long shot of another undersea mud volcano.
Closer look at a mud volcano
A little bit closer look at the same mud volcano.
Close up of a gas plume escaping from the peak of a mud volcano
Close up of a gas plume spouting from the peak of the mud volcano.
Peak of an undersea mud volcano with overflow channel visible to the right
Peak of the mud volcano with overflow channel visible to the right.

weather report observations cool stuff get wet

Juvenile blue tang (fish).  Bright yellow body with irridescent blue marking around eye and at top edge of dorsal fin.
National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves