Unidata McIDAS (McIDAS-X)

Unidata McIDAS (McIDAS-X)

McIDAS-X The Man computer Interactive Data Access System (McIDAS) is a research quality suite of applications used for decoding, analyzing, and displaying meteorological data developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC). Unidata distributes a version of SSEC McIDAS (McIDAS-X) for a variety of platforms running Unix, Linux, and MacOS-X.

See the McIDAS package overview

McIDAS Documentation

Users Guide & Data Access
Upgrading McIDAS

McIDAS Support

For McIDAS Developers

McIDAS software (full source code) is freely available to educational institutions. Redistribution is prohibited without explicit written permission from the University of Wisconsin, Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC), the copyright holder of this software.

View the SSEC McIDAS site for more information