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Online Office Hours Webinar Featuring the Law Library of Congress, April 30th at 2:00 PM

This is a guest post by Anna Price, a legal reference librarian at the Law Library of Congress.

The Library of Congress has initiated a webinar series geared toward teachers called Online Office Hours. These webinars occur twice weekly, on Tuesday and Thursday at 2:00 PM ET, and cover a variety of topics. Some subjects that have been discussed so far include Poetry Month, Chronicling America (historic newspapers), and baseball resources. The webinars are conversational and generally include a 20-minute presentation followed by a 40-minute question-and-answer session.

Online Office Hours for Teachers at the Library of Congress.

Online Office Hours for Teachers at the Library of Congress.

On Thursday, April 30, the Online Office Hours will cover online legal resources, including Law.gov and Congress.gov. This event will precede the American Bar Association/Law Library of Congress Law Day virtual program, which begins at 3:30 PM ET.

The April 30 webinar will feature Jen Reidel, the Library’s Teacher in Residence, and Anna Price, a legal reference librarian at the Law Library. Anna holds a BS in communications from Ithaca College, a JD from the University of Washington School of Law, and is completing her MLIS at the University of Washington iSchool.

No registration is required to attend this webinar, which will be recorded and available online after the event. To join the webinar, please click here.

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