Licensing Process


The following information, in general, reflects the process for applying for a license to an HHS invention.

Licensing Process Steps; details appear below

STEP 1 – Identify Technologies

  • Use the Find Technologies section at the right of the webpage screen to search for and view abstracts describing HHS technologies available for licensing.

STEP 2 – Contact a Licensing & Patenting Manager

  • If you require additional information after viewing technology abstracts, please contact the individual named at the end of each abstract.

STEP 3 – Complete and Submit a License Application

  • The NIH Application for License is available for downloading at /resources.
  • Submit the completed form to the Licensing & Patenting Manager, consulting with her/him if you have questions. This individual will contact you after their review of your application.

STEP 4 – Review Model Agreement and Negotiate Terms

  • Model agreements are available for downloading at /resources.
  • Consult with the Licensing & Patenting Manager if you have questions. This individual will typically prepare the first draft of your agreement.

STEP 5 – Receive the Completed License Agreement

  • After execution, a Royalties Coordinator will contact you with the Welcome Package that includes an invoice and a copy of the executed license.
  • If tangible materials were licensed, the materials will be shipped after payment is confirmed.