Certify Confidentiality Statement

Steps to certify reviewer confidentiality and indicate lobbyist status; needed before reviewers can access grant applications and meeting materials.

In IAR, reviewers follow two steps before being granted access to a meeting.

Step A: Reviewers are required to indicate whether they are federally registered lobbyists. This is because Office of Management and Budget (OMB) policy bans appointment of federally registered lobbyists to federal advisory committees and other boards and commissions.

Step B: Reviewers certify they agree with the confidentiality agreement.

Basic Tasks (step-by-step instructions and screenshots)*

* You must be logged into IAR via eRA Commons with appropriate role(s) to complete these activities. 

Main Screenshots

Click on thumbnail image to expand to full view.


The Confidentiality Statement link is displayed in the Action column of the List of Meetings screen.

Figure 1: The Confidentiality Statement link is displayed in the Action column of the List of Meetings screen.


The Confidentiality Statement screen with radio button checked to indicate the reviewer is not a federally registered lobbyist.

Figure 2: The Confidentiality Statement screen with radio button checked to indicate the reviewer is not a federally registered lobbyist.


The Confidentiality Statement screen with radio button checked to indicate the reviewer is a federally registered lobbyist.

Figure 3: The Confidentiality Statement screen with radio button checked to indicate the reviewer is a federally registered lobbyist.



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