Sandia National Laboratories aerial view

Throughout its history, Sandia has been guided by the core principle of — in the words of President Harry Truman — providing "exceptional service in the national interest."

James S. Peery

James S. Peery

Laboratories Director

Labs Director James S. Peery provides leadership and management direction for the safe, secure execution of all Sandia missions. 

Dori Ellis

D.E. “Dori” Ellis

Deputy Laboratories Director

Deputy Labs Director Dori Ellis provides leadership, oversight, management direction, and execution to implement the Labs Director's strategic vision for safe, secure operations at Sandia.

Scott Aeilts

Scott Aeilts

Mission Services
Associate Labs Director

Mission Services Associate Labs Director Scott Aeilts leads financial management systems, business excellence and process improvements, work authorization systems, information technology, purchasing, and other administrative services.

Mike Burns

Mike Burns

National Security Programs
Associate Labs Director

National Security Programs Associate Labs Director Mike Burns manages Strategic Partnership projects for the U.S. Department of Defense and other federal government departments and agencies, Strategic Intelligence Partnership projects for the U.S. Intelligence Community, and industrial partnerships. 

Steve Girrens

Steve Girrens

Nuclear Deterrence Stockpile Management,
Components and Production
Associate Labs Director &
Chief Engineer for Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear Deterrence Stockpile Management, Components and Production Associate Labs Director and Chief Engineer for Nuclear Weapons Steve Girrens leads the division responsible for ensuring the reliability of the nation's existing nuclear weapons stockpile.

Andrew McIlroy

Andrew McIlroy

Integrated Security Solutions
Associate Labs Director

As Integrated Security Solutions Associate Labs Director, Andrew McIlroy provides leadership and management direction for Sandia’s California Laboratory and the Energy and Earth Systems Center, which includes staff in New Mexico, Texas, and Alaska. In addition, he has primary responsibility for Sandia’s Energy and Homeland Security mission portfolio, as well as for California weapon systems engineering.

Susan Seestrom

Susan Seestrom

Advanced Science & Technology
Associate Labs Director &
Chief Research Officer

Advanced Science & Technology Associate Labs Director and Chief Research Officer Susan Seestrom manages multiple science programs, environmental technologies, computing, modeling and simulation laboratory-directed research and development, user facilities, and education programs.

John Zepper

John Zepper

Acting Information Engineering
Associate Labs Director &
Chief Information Officer

As acting Information Engineering Associate Labs Director and Chief Information Officer, John Zepper provides leadership in quality and performance assurance, cybersecurity and mission computing, surety engineering and weapons quality, and information technology services.

Doug Bruder

Doug Bruder

Global Security
Associate Labs Director

Global Security Associate Labs Director Doug Bruder leads the defense nuclear nonproliferation portfolio, including global threat reduction, nuclear risk reduction, and nonproliferation and international security programs. 

Will Elias

William S. Elias II

General Counsel &
NTESS Secretary

William S. Elias II is the General Counsel and Secretary of National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc. NTESS operates Sandia National Laboratories as a contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration.

Rita Gonzales

Rita Gonzales

Nuclear Deterrence
Modernization and Future Systems
Associate Labs Director

Nuclear Deterrence Modernization and Future Systems Associate Labs Director Rita Gonzales ensures systems level execution of Life Extension Programs and Alterations while serving as the primary Sandia interface with leadership at other NNSA sites.

John Myers

John Myers

Human Resources and Communications
Senior Director

As Human Resources and Communications Senior Director, John Myers is responsible for ensuring that Human Resources, Communications, and Employee Health Services operate efficiently to provide key Labs services in support of mission delivery.

Harold S. Yeldell

Harold S. Yeldell

Infrastructure Operations
Associate Labs Director &
Chief Security Officer

As Infrastructure Operations Associate Labs Director and Chief Security Officer, Harold S. Yeldell provides leadership to effectively and efficiently manage infrastructure operations, including safeguards and security, environmental restoration and waste management, laboratory facilities and construction, and emergency management.