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Federal Advisory Council on Occupational Safety & Health - FACOSH

Helping to assure the safety and health of all federal workers

FACOSH is a Presidential advisory body to the Secretary of Labor. The Advisory Council is authorized by 5 U.S.C. 7902, section 19 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) (29 U.S.C. 668), and Executive Order 11612, as amended, to advise the Secretary of Labor on all matters relating to the occupational safety and health of federal employees. This includes providing advice on how to reduce and keep to a minimum the number of injuries and illnesses in the federal workforce and how to encourage each federal Executive Branch department and agency to establish and maintain effective occupational safety and health programs. The Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA chairs the Advisory Council; it operates under Executive Order 12196, 1-5, its charter (renewable in September 2017), and the FACOSH Bylaws and Operating Procedures.

FACOSH is a public forum for federal agency management and labor representatives to discuss federal employee safety and health program and policy issues. The work of the Advisory Council uses the expertise of its members, and the costs and salaries for FACOSH members are entirely born by the participating federal agencies.

Federal Safety and Health Councils

FACOSH actively supports the network of field federal safety and health councils (FFSHC). Click here for more information on the names and locations of active councils throughout the United States.

Support Services

The Office of Federal Agency Programs, Occupational Safety and Health Administration supports FACOSH and its activities.

FACOSH Member Listing
Membership (As of October 5, 2015)

David Michaels Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Francis Yebesi OSHA, Office of Federal Agency Programs
FACOSH Counsel
Sarah Shortall Office of the Solicitor, DOL
Wesley Carpenter U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Catherine Emerson U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Gary Helmer, PhD National Transportation Safety Board
Gregory Parham DVM U.S. Department of Agriculture
Charles Rosenfarb, MD U.S. Department of State
Maureen Sullivan U.S. Department of Defense
Richard Williams, MD National Aeronautics & Space Administration
Patricia Worthington, PhD U.S Department of Energy
William Dougan National Federation of Federal Employees
Nan Thompson Ernst American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Gregory Junemann International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers
Deborah Kleinberg Seafarers International Union/National Maritime Union
Dennis Phelps International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Milagro Rodriguez,MPH American Federation of Government Employees
Mark Segall National Association of Agriculture Employees
Irma Westmoreland, RN National Nurses United
Mariano Aquino U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Frank Hearl National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Hilery Simpson Office of Compensation & Working Conditions, Bureau of Labor Statistics, DOL
David Marciniak U.S. General Services Administration
Gary Steinberg Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, DOL

Meeting Minutes


FACOSH membershipis comprised of 16 voting members, eight representing federal agency management, and eight representing federal employees. Deliberations by the Council are intended to develop recommendations to the Secretary of Labor posing new and innovative strategies to assure that safe and healthful workplaces are provided to the federal workforce. Council members are instrumental in the design of occupational safety and health programs and initiatives for the federal sector. Special Agency Liaisons provide expertise to the Council. Administrative support is provided through the OSHA Office of Federal Agency Programs.

New Member Information

Newly appointed members may find the following websites useful as they begin their duties as FACOSH members.

Presidential Directives And Memoranda
Advisory Councils
Administrative Procedures Act
Occupational Safety & Health Standards And Regulations

Federal Register Notices

Meeting Notices
Date Title Reference
December 5, 2013; FACOSH Meeting Notice 78 FR 68865-68867, 11/15/2013
June 6, 2013; FACOSH Meeting Notice and Member Appointments 78 FR 30337-30338, 05/22/2013
October 18, 2012 FACOSH Meeting Notice 77 FR 58174-58175, 09/19/2012
May 3, 2012 FACOSH Meeting Notice, and Member Appointments 77 FR 22355-22356, 04/13/2012
December 1, 2011 FACOSH Meeting Notice, and Renewal of FACOSH Charter 76 FR 71077-71078, 11/16/2011
June 7, 2011 FACOSH Meeting Notice, and Member Appointment 76 FR 28816-28818, 05/18/2011
October 21, 2010 FACOSH Meeting Notice, and Member Appointments 75 FR 62147-62148, 10/07/2010
September 15, 2009 FACOSH Special Meeting Notice 74 FR 41938-41939, 08/19/2009
June 25, 2009 FACOSH Meeting Notice 74 FR 41938-41939, 08/19/2009
November 13, 2008 FACOSH Meeting Notice 73 FR 63996-63997, 10/28/2008
April 10, 2008 FACOSH Meeting Notice 73 FR 16324-16325, 03/27/2008
October 11, 2007 FACOSH Meeting Notice 72 FR 53606-53607, 09/19/2007
March 1, 2007 FACOSH Meeting Notice 72 FR 7467-7468, 02/15/2007
September 28, 2006 FACOSH Meeting Notice 71 FR 53135-53136, 09/08/2006
April 12, 2005 FACOSH Meeting Notice 70 FR 15126, 03/24/2005
Request for Nominations
Title Reference
FACOSH Request for Nominations, Announcement of New Members 79 FR 53453-53455; 09/09/2014
FACOSH Reopening the Record and Extension of the Nomination Deadline 79 FR 853-854, 01/07/2014
FACOSH Request for Nominations; Reference: 77 FR 39743-39745; 07/05/2012
FACOSH Request for Nominations 77 FR 39743-39745, 07/05/2012
FACOSH Reopening the Record and Extension of the Nomination Deadline 76 FR 60535-60536, 09/29/2011
FACOSH Request for Nominations 76 FR 39902-39904, 07/07/2011
FACOSH Announcement of New Members [see October 21, 2010 FACOSH Meeting Notice, and Member Appointments (75 FR 62147-62148, 10/07/2010)]
FACOSH Reopening the Record and Extension of the Nominations Deadline 75 FR 10629-10630, 03/08/2010
FACOSH Reopening the Record and Extension of the Nominations Deadline 73 FR 3489-3490, 01/18/2008
FACOSH Request for Nominations 72 FR 69713-69714, 12/10/2007
FACOSH Announcement of New Members 72 FR 64249, 11/15/2007
FACOSH Request for Nominations 72 FR 9590-9592, 03/02/2007
Continuation of Certain Federal Advisory Committees
Date Executive Order
2015 Executive Order 13708
2013 Executive Order 13652 [PDF]
2011 Executive Order 13585 [PDF]
2009 Executive Order 13511 [PDF]
2007 Executive Order 13446 [PDF]
2005 Executive Order 13385 [PDF]

Reports and Recommendations

Recommendations Regarding the Secretary of Labor's Field Federal Safety and Health Councils PDF
Occupational Safety and Health Training Guidelines For Federal Agencies PDF
Example SOP from 2012 recommendations PDF
Recommendations for Consideration by the Secretary of Labor on Uniform Occupational Safety and Health Training Guidelines PDF

Appendix A - Occupational Safety and Health Training Guidelines for Federal Employees
Appendix B - Standard Operating Procedures For Safety and Health Training


Recommendations for Consideration by the Federal Advisory Council on Occupational Safety and Health (FACOSH) on the Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act of 2010 PDF
Recommendations for Consideration by the U.S. Secretary of Labor on the Adoption and Use of Occupational Exposure Limits by Federal Agencies PDF
Recommendations for Consideration by the Secretary of Labor on the GS-0018, Safety and Occupational Health Management Job Series PDF
Recommendation for Consideration by the Secretary of Labor on Federal Agency Safety and Health Training at All Levels PDF
Recommendation for Consideration by the Secretary of Labor on the Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act of 2010 PDF
Recommendations for Consideration by the Secretary of Labor on Pandemic-H1N1 Influenza Protection for the Federal Workforce HTML
Archive Notice - OSHA Archive

NOTICE: This is an OSHA Archive Document, and may no longer represent OSHA Policy. It is presented here as historical content, for research and review purposes only.