NIEM 5.0 Release Candidate 2 Available for Public Review and Comment

Friday, September 25, 2020

The NIEM 5.0 release candidate 2 (RC2) is available for public review and comment through Wednesday, 30 September 2020. The RC2 incorporates the public feedback received from the NIEM 5.0 release candidate 1 (RC1). These minor changes include:

  • Changed documentation of cli:codeListConstrainingIndicator to conform to NDR.
  • Updated character encoding and doctype of root XML catalog.
  • Updated character encoding and doctype on XML catalog, and used default namespace instead of a prefix.
  • Updated character encoding and doctype on OGC XML catalog.
  • Updated character encoding and doctype on external HAVE XML catalog.
  • Updated structures schema to incorporate NDR changes.
  • Removed code “NN” from ncic:FPClassificationCodeSimpleType
  • Removed extra spaces from Justice code definitions

Please visit the NIEM Releases page for instructions on how to download the RC2 package.  Please provide feedback by submitting a new 5.0 issue or by sending an email to by Wednesday, 30 September 2020 .

This is the final stage before we officially publish the final NIEM 5.0 release. At this point in the release cycle, we are working to get to a stable draft and are looking to address errors and bugs only. Other issues can be queued up for the next release.  The final release of NIEM 5.0 is scheduled to be published this fall. At that time, 5.0 XML schemas and documentation will be published along with updates to NIEM specifications and tools.