Ambassador Andrew Bremberg Remarks at the UNHCR Pledging Conference

The United States remains steadfast in our commitment to protecting and assisting the world’s most vulnerable; in coordination with other states, UNHCR and other UN agencies, non-governmental organizations, development actors, the private sector, and affected people themselves.

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The U.S. Role in International Organizations’ Response to COVID-19

The United States is by far the most generous and reliable contributor to crisis response and humanitarian action through the United Nations and dozens of international organizations. U.S. assistance, monetary and in-kind contributions, expertise and technology, are indispensable to the effort to combat COVID-19. 

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Release of Arbitrarily Detained Civilians and U.S. Citizens in Syria to Avert COVID-19 Spread

In light of threats posed by COVID-19, the United States reiterates its calls for the Assad regime to take concrete steps to protect the fate of thousands of civilians, including U.S. citizens, being held arbitrarily in overcrowded and inhumane conditions in regime detention centers.

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The State Department Imposes Sanctions on Individual Responsible for the Violence in northern Syria

The State Department Imposes Sanctions on Individual Responsible for the Violence in northern Syria STATEMENT BY SECRETARY MICHAEL R. POMPEO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE For Immediate Release Washington, DC – March 17, 2020 Today, the United States is designating a senior Assad regime official who is responsible for the violence and the disastrous humanitarian crisis …

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VIDEO: U.S. Participation in the First Global Refugee Forum

The United States was proud to participate in the first Global Refugee Forum this week in Geneva and to reaffirm of our ongoing humanitarian assistance leadership. The needs of people affected by conflict and persecution are still greater than the support offered. More donors need to do more to ensure human dignity of all refugees. …

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U.S. Participation in the Geneva International Discussions on the Conflict in Georgia

During the December 10-11 fiftieth round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) on the conflict in Georgia, the U.S. delegation expressed frustration that participants have been unable to make progress on core issues and called on Russia to fulfill its obligations under the August 12, 2008 six-point ceasefire agreement, including in particular by withdrawing Russian …

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U.S. Statement to the Pledging Conference of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The U.S. government pledges an initial $125 million towards this 2020 appeal. At the same time, we extend our gratitude to States who continue to host large numbers of refugees while noting the need for continued commitment to refugee protection. We stand with you.

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U.S. Participation in the Geneva International Discussions on the Conflict in Georgia

At the forty-ninth round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) on the conflict in Georgia, the U.S. delegation expressed concern over the recent escalation of tensions along the Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) with South Ossetia.

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U.S. Statement at the 70th Session of the UNHCR Executive Committee

U.S. Delegation Statement 70th Sessionof the UNHCR Executive CommitteeCarol Thompson O’ConnellActing Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration As Prepared for Delivery Geneva, October 7, 2019 Mr. Chairman, Five years into the ambitious ten-year #IBelong Campaign to End Statelessness, we are reminded that UNHCR has set a high bar, and that every Member State should …

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The U.S. Increases its Contribution in Response to the Venezuelan Regional Crisis

On September 25, Secretary Pompeo announced in New York nearly $119 million in additional humanitarian assistance to further demonstrate the United States’ commitment and solidarity with the Venezuelan people and the region in response to the Maduro-made Venezuela crisis. 

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U.S. Announces New Humanitarian Assistance for Displaced Rohingya in Bangladesh and Burma

Today in New York, the United States announced more than $127 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Rohingya refugees and host communities in Bangladesh and internally displaced Rohingya and members of other affected communities in Burma. 

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United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance in Response to Venezuelan Regional Crisis

Deputy Secretary John Sullivan and United States Agency for International Development Administrator Mark Green announced September 4 in Cúcuta, Colombia more than $120 million in additional U.S. humanitarian assistance to address the largest external displacement of persons in the Hemisphere’s history.

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The U.S. to Provide Additional $38 M to Contain Ebola outbreak, including $15 M funding to WHO

The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is providing more than $38 million in additional assistance to help end the ongoing Ebola outbreak in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), including $15 million in new funding to the World Health Organization.

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U.S. Statement at the Geneva International Discussions on the Conflict in Georgia

At the forty-seventh round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) on the conflict in Georgia, April 2-3, the United States welcomed the resumption of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) meetings in Ergneti and efforts by the GID Co-Chairs and participants to re-convene the IPRM meetings in Gali as soon as possible.

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Humanitarian Assistance for Afghans Affected by Conflict, Drought, and Other Natural Disasters  

The United States announced more than $61 million in additional humanitarian assistance to meet the needs of vulnerable communities, displaced persons, and returning refugees across Afghanistan, as well as Afghan refugees in the region.

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United States Provides Additional Humanitarian Aid to Venezuelans Who Have Fled Their Country

Today, Vice President Pence announced that the United States is providing nearly $56 million in additional humanitarian assistance to support the regional response for the nearly 3.4 million Venezuelans who have fled Venezuela due to the political and economic crisis caused by Nicolas Maduro.

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U.S. Announces New Humanitarian Assistance at the Launch of the Joint Response Plan for Bangladesh

02/15/2019 09:59 AM EST Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC February 15, 2019 Today in Geneva, the United States announced $60 million in humanitarian assistance at the launch of the 2019 UN Joint Response Plan for Bangladesh. This funding will help address the emergency needs of more than 900,000 refugees in Bangladesh, most …

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United States Is Ready To Provide Urgent Humanitarian Aid to the People of Venezuela

Secretary of State Pompeo announced that the United States is ready to provide more than $20 million in initial humanitarian assistance to the people of Venezuela as they struggle to cope with severe food and medicine shortages and the other dire impacts of their country’s political and economic crisis caused by the illegitimate Maduro regime.

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U.S. Participation in the Geneva International Discussions on the conflict in Georgia

At the forty-sixth round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) on the conflict in Georgia, December 11-12, the United States welcomed efforts by the GID Co-Chairs and participants to re-convene the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) meetings in Gali and Ergneti as soon as possible.

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Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons: Protocol V on Explosive Remnants of War

The U.S. Delegation appreciates Iraq’s efforts to focus our discussions this year on the clearance of explosive remnants of war, or ERW.  The United States has long supported efforts to clear ERW in Iraq, and we are proud of the cooperative partnership that we have developed with the government of Iraq in addressing the danger …

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U.S. Assistance to Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Iraq

As part of the continued commitment by Vice President Pence, Secretary Pompeo, and USAID Administrator Green to support ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq as highlighted earlier this year at the first-ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, the United States is proud to announce over $178 million in U.S. foreign assistance to support these vulnerable …

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United States Assisting Venezuelans in Need

Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC June 26, 2018 Vice President Mike Pence announced today in Brazil nearly $10 million in additional humanitarian U.S. assistance for Venezuelans who have fled their country due to the man-made crisis there. This funding for the Venezuelan people includes a contribution to the International Organization for Migration …

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United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance for Yemen

USAID: Today, the United States announced nearly $87 million in additional humanitarian assistance to help the people of Yemen, who face the world’s largest food-security emergency and worst cholera outbreak, driven by more than three years of war. This funding brings the total U.S. humanitarian assistance for the Yemen response since the beginning of Fiscal …

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Update on Yemen: Special Briefing by Assistant Secretary Tim Lenderking

“No one’s put more attention and more funding into the Yemen conflict than the United States. She mentioned the figure of 1.3 billion. It’s a very significant amount, but I think also we’re dealing with very significant problems inside Yemen. There’s both the cholera and the food insecurity situation.”

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Remarks by Simon Henshaw at UNHCR ExCom Reception

At UNGA two weeks ago, President Trump expressed appreciation for the United Nations agencies that are providing vital humanitarian assistance. Further, Secretary Tillerson, Administrator Green, Ambassador Haley, and I reaffirmed U.S. commitment – and the international community’s commitment – to seek solutions that end crises and bring peace, prosperity, and stability.

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Fact Sheet: Fiscal Year 2016 Refugee Admissions to the U.S.

The United States is taking the lead in meeting the unprecedented challenge of the global refugee crisis. At the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees in September, President Obama brought together world leaders on the margins of the UN General Assembly to galvanize additional humanitarian support, improve educational and access to lawful work for refugees, and expand …

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Fact Sheet: U.S. Humanitarian Assistance in Response to the Syrian Crisis

The United States is providing more than $364 million in additional lifesaving humanitarian assistance for those affected by the war in Syria, as world leaders gathered during the UN General Assembly to galvanize significant new global commitments to increase support for refugees. This announcement, which brings U.S. humanitarian assistance in response to this conflict to …

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Assistant Secretary Anne Richard: Briefing on Syria Humanitarian Assistance

Last week, President Obama hosted the Leaders’ Summit on refugees, where 49 countries and several international organizations pledged to assist refugees worldwide by increasing humanitarian assistance, opportunities for formal refugee resettlement and other legal channels of admission, and opportunities for education and lawful employment.

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United States Pledges Nearly $133 Million in Additional Humanitarian Assistance for the People of South Sudan

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Gayle Smith announced the additional funding at the “High Level Side Event on South Sudan” on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. This additional funding brings the total U.S. humanitarian aid for the people of South Sudan to nearly $1.9 billion since the …

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Secretary of State Kerry Calls for Syria Ceasefire at UN Security Council Session

Secretary Kerry: “There is only one choice, and it’s to get to that table with Staffan de Mistura and it is get to a negotiation and get a ceasefire so we stop the flow of refugees, stop the suffering, and provide the people of Syria with a chance to breathe, to live.”

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John Kerry: We Pay Tribute to all Humanitarians and We Thank Them for Being the Emissaries of the Conscience of the World

Secretary Kerry: “On this World Humanitarian Day, we honor humanitarians, both those who have lost their lives in their efforts to aid and protect the most vulnerable people on earth, and those who continue to brave violence and hardship. The theme of this year’s commemoration is “One Humanity.” It asks all of us to stand …

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The U.S. Announces Nearly $23 Million in Additional Humanitarian Assistance for Ukraine Crisis

The funding announced today will support the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and other international humanitarian organizations as they provide for the basic survival needs of thousands of vulnerable people. This contribution is available to help supply food, clothing, bedding, access to medical care and supplies, shelter materials, repair of key infrastructure, and …

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Secretary Kerry on World Refugee Day: “The United States is determined to find solutions”

The refugees we welcome to the United States will join previous generations who have come to this country to escape violence and persecution – threats to human life and dignity that remain all too real today. History celebrates such moments when we have overcome bias and fear, and opened our doors. Those who have walked …

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Remarks by Ambassador Hamamoto at Refugee Youth and Future She Deserves Event

Today, I’m excited that we are combining the efforts of The Future She Deserves – our Mission’s signature initiative to promote gender equality – with the Global Refugee Youth Consultation. After what you’ve gone through, many would have lost hope. But you didn’t. You engaged with peers, international organizations, and government leaders. You developed recommendations …

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Ambassador Hamamoto: Remarks at Global Refugee Youth Consultations

Wars, conflict and persecution have forced more people than at any other time since World War II to flee their homes and seek refuge and safety elsewhere. Many of them are young people and, we, the humanitarian community, haven’t done enough for them. The unique capacities of young refugees are often overlooked…their aspirations misunderstood…their needs …

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Ambassador Samantha Power’s Statement on the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees

The summit will convene heads of state and government who have made new and significant commitments this year to address the needs of the world’s refugees. The collective goals for the summit are to: (1) increase funding to international humanitarian organizations and UN humanitarian appeals; (2) increase opportunities for resettlement and other forms of legal …

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United States Provides Additional $29 Million in Humanitarian Assistance for Malian Regional Crisis

This funding will support the work of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Food Program (WFP), and other international organizations in Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger to provide essential protection and assistance, such as health, food, water, livelihoods, and education.

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The United States Announces Additional Pledges in Support of Syrian Refugees

The United States joins UNHCR in calling for new ways nations, civil society, the private sector, and individuals can together address the global refugee challenge. The United States encourages other countries to consider expanding resettlement and other forms of admissions for all refugee populations, ensuring that more of those in need have the opportunity to …

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The United States Provides an Additional $20 Million in Response to Europe Refugee and Migration Crisis

The U.S. announces $20 million to support efforts by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent (IFRC) to respond to increased protection, shelter, and other lifesaving assistance throughout Europe, including in Greece, Western Turkey, and the Balkans.

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A/S Richard Travels to Geneva for Meetings on Syrian Refugee Resettlement and Refugee Protection at Sea

Assistant Secretary Anne C. Richard Travels to Brussels and Geneva Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC December 5, 2014   Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne C. Richard will travel to Brussels, Belgium, December 8-9, and Geneva, Switzerland, December 9-11. In Brussels, Assistant Secretary Richard will participate in the …

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Statement on the Situation in Homs, Syria

The United States is deeply concerned about the Syrian government’s violent offensive on the Old City of Homs and the neighborhood of Al-Waer, and that the breakdown in negotiations on a comprehensive agreement on safe passage for those trapped in the city may be part of a concerted military strategy to intensify the regime’s onslaught …

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U.S. Welcomes Signing of the Cessation of Hostilities between the Government of South Sudan and the Opposition Forces

This agreement is a critical first step toward building a lasting peace in South Sudan, but it is only the beginning of a much longer process to resolve the underlying causes of the conflict, to foster reconciliation, and to hold accountable those who committed horrific abuses against the South Sudanese people.

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Secretary Kerry: Remarks on Iran, The Arab Peace Initiative, Geneva II, Syria Humanitarian Situation

We believe that it is possible for the [Assad] regime to put in place before Geneva a ceasefire – local ceasefires if necessary – a ceasefire with respect to Aleppo, and send the signal that they are prepared to set a different mood, a different climate, a different stage for the possibility of success in …

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United States Response to Questionnaire Concerning the Montreux Document

United States Response to Questionnaire Concerning the Montreux Document on Pertinent International Legal Obligations and Good Practices for States Related to Operations of Private Military and Security Companies During Armed Conflict.   1.  Provide examples, if any, of how you have determined which services may or may not be contracted out to PMSCs.  If you …

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U.S. Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance in Response to the Darfur and Central African Republic Crises

The United States announced today it has provided an additional $11.5 million in humanitarian assistance to support protection and assistance activities for the nearly 70,000 new Central African refugees in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chad, Cameroon, and the Republic of the Congo and for some 30,000 new Darfur Sudanese refugees in Chad.

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Global Review of Aid for Trade

4th Global Review of Aid for Trade US Sponsored Side Event and Reception 11:00 – 13:00 July 9, 2013, Room D, WTO Africa Can Compete! Cases of Africa Succeeding in Global Markets   More than 40% of the world’s cashews are grown in Africa.  Yet for too long, Africa’s cashews have been exported to other …

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Access Critical to Meet Humanitarian Needs of Syrian People

To Meet Immediate Needs of the Syrian People, Access is Paramount By Nancy Lindborg, Assistant Administrator for Democracy, Conflict, & Humanitarian Assistance February 11, 2013 This blog post by Nancy Lindborg, assistant administrator for USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, was originally published in the  Huffington Post  on February 11. There are no republication restrictions …

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U.S. Statement in UNHCR High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges

Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary Dave Robinson, State Department Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, at the UNHCR Dialogue on Protection Challenges: Faith and Protection. Robinson addressed the conference including representatives of governments, international organizations and NGOS, and indicated that the United States “seeks to mobilize a broader base of support, a wider coalition of …

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Ambassador King remarks on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

In humanitarian situations across the world, children are likely to make up half or more of the population affected by conflicts or disasters. The Child Protection Working Group (CPWG) launched a set of interagency Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action developed as common guidelines for the global humanitarian community. U.S. Ambassador Betty E. …

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Anne Richards on Humanitarian Diplomacy in New York & Geneva

One of my goals as Assistant Secretary is to ensure that the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) practices what we call “humanitarian diplomacy.” We use this term to mean that humanitarian issues are integrated into the diplomatic discourse that State Department leaders have with other countries and international organizations, including in private meetings …

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Anne C. Richard Leads U.S. Delegation to the UNHCR Executive Committee Meeting

Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne C. Richard will travel to Geneva October 1-4 to lead the U.S. delegation at the 63rd session of the Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the principal international organization concerned with the protection of refugees and stateless persons worldwide.

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DAS Kelly Clements at the Syria Humanitarian Forum

The U.S. acknowledges the exceptional work and sacrifice of humanitarian organizations and individuals in Syria and surrounding countries. The Syria Humanitarian Forum has become an important mechanism through which we can highlight areas of particular humanitarian concern, share information among humanitarian organizations, affected countries and donors regarding both operations and contributions, and maintain and strengthen …

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The 2012 Resolve Award Celebration Webcast

Four countries will be awarded the prestigious Resolve Award, announced last year by the Global Leaders Council for Reproductive Health at the inaugural Geneva Policy Dialogue Series on Reproductive Health in May 2011. Join us to celebrate their progress and learn how they overcame challenges of financing, service delivery and policy to accelerate access to …

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State and USAID – FY 2013 Budget

The President’s FY 2013 Budget for the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) strengthens U.S. national security, advances America’s economic interests, and elevates America’s global leadership through diplomacy and development. It supports U.S. businesses, protects Americans at home and abroad, and stops the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It …

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Ambassador King Cites Effective Governance and Empowered Civil Society as Key to Promotion of Democratic States

Ambassador Betty E. King’s stressed that the international community must take steps to expand and sustain the ranks of stable, prosperous and democratic states by supporting the next generation of democratic transitions in remarks at the official presentations of “Constitution-Making and Reform: Options for the process” on January 23rd at the Interpeace Partners Forum, held …

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U.S. Reaffirms its Deep and Abiding Commitment to International Humanitarian Law at ICRC Conference

During the last decade, the United States has learned important lessons, and has worked very hard to ensure that we conduct all aspects of armed conflict – in particular, detention operations – in a manner consistent not just with the applicable laws of war, but also with the Constitution and laws of the United States. …

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Yemen Agreement “Important Step Forward” for Political Transition

The signing of a Yemeni political agreement brokered by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) brings the Yemeni people significantly closer to realizing their aspirations “for a new beginning” in their country, President Obama said. The president praised the Yemeni people for “courageously and steadfastly” voicing their demands for political change over the past six months …

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Ambassador King Celebrates International Year for People of African Descent

Celebrating the International Year for People of African Descent is especially important for Americans, as you might imagine. African Americans make up the single largest racial minority in the United States, at nearly 40 million of our citizens, and the contributions of this segment of our society are notable and many– of course we see …

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The U.S. continues to support the Geneva Discussions on Georgia

We urge all of the parties to continue constructive engagement in the Geneva Discussions and the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms (IPRMs) in order to foster agreement on international security arrangements, to enhance confidence-building measures, and to promote both strengthened humanitarian initiatives and a sustainable and peaceful resolution to the conflict.

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Saving Lives, Securing Interests: Reflections on Humanitarian Response and U.S. Foreign Policy

Assistant Secretary Schwartz: “First, there is the moral imperative – the simple policy goal of saving lives. Our supporters in Congress well understand that our entire annual civilian humanitarian assistance funding is only a small fraction of the less than one percent of our federal budget that is dedicated to overseas assistance.”

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“Too Little, Too Late: Child Protection Funding in Emergencies”

The United States is also committed to preventing and responding to sexual exploitation and abuse of beneficiary populations –particularly displaced children who are at increased risk of victimization – and will continue in our programming to highlight education for refugee and other displaced children and adolescents, as a way to minimize the long-term impact of …

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Additional $7.5 Million for Humanitarian Assistance in Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia

The United States is announcing an additional pledge of $7.5 million in humanitarian assistance for refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia. With this latest funding, the U.S. is providing over $51 million in humanitarian assistance to refugees, IDPs, and other conflict-affected populations in the region.

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Statement on the Tragic Crash of a United Nations Plane in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The United Nations has and continues to play a critical role in helping the Congolese government bring peace and stability to the country. Today’s tragedy underscores the risks that UN personnel undertake worldwide. The United States strongly supports the UN in its mission and will continue to do so in this difficult time.

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Remarks of Ambassador King at the reception to welcome Steven L Smith, NASA Astronaut

NASA Astronaut Steven Smith visited the U.S. Mission Geneva to share his experience in space and the lessons he’s learned in his work on the international space station. He visited schools in the area and encouraged children to follow their dreams whatever obstacles they might face. Mr. Smith also spoke to an audience of scientists …

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USAID Urban Search and Rescue Teams in Japan

In response to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the U.S. Government through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) that includes disaster response experts, nuclear experts, as well as urban search and rescue (USAR) teams from Fairfax County and the Los Angeles County Fire Departments. The …

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White House Commits $12.6 Million for Côte d’Ivoire Humanitarian Response

President Obama announced that the U.S. Government, through the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, will provide $12.6 million in emergency funds to international and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) assisting refugee and other displaced populations resulting from recent political unrest and violence in Côte d’Ivoire.

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Fact Sheet on U.S. Government’s Feed the Future Initiative

In response to the spike in global food prices in 2007-2008, President Obama pledged $3.5 billion to help poor countries fight hunger by investing in agricultural development. The U.S. Government’s Feed the Future Initiative utilizes innovation, research, and development to improve agricultural productivity, link farmers to local and regional markets, enhance nutrition, and build safety …

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U.S. Statement on the Swiss Hosted Working Group Meeting on a Conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention

The United States strongly opposes the possible convocation of the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to single out one country, Israel. The Geneva Conventions are universally respected and are indispensible to the rule of law in armed conflict. By singling out one country, such a conference risks undermining the integrity of the …

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Press Conference Following the Conclusion of the Fourteenth Round of the Geneva Discussions

I was pleased to lead our delegation to the 14th round of the Geneva Discussions. One of the most important developments since the last round of the Geneva discussions was President Saakashvili’s statement on the non-use of force to the European Parliament. At the Geneva talks today we welcomed that unilateral declaration on the non-use …

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Ethiopia, Niger and Mongolia To Receive Grants Totaling $97M For Food Security

The development agenda set by the G20 leaders at their meeting in Seoul, South Korea, November 12, calls for members to help countries reduce their dependence on foreign assistance by mobilizing foreign investment and domestic capital to foster sustained economic growth. A new fund aimed specifically at improving global food security is a tool that …

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World Leaders Meet In New York To Discuss Improving The Lives of The Poor

  15 September 2010 Progress Toward Millennium Development Goals Is Mixed By Christopher Connell Special Correspondent Washington — On the 10th anniversary of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the numbers tell a mixed story about the world’s progress toward eradicating poverty, enrolling all children in primary school, promoting gender equality, combating AIDS and …

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First Primary School at Epicenter of Haiti Earthquake Officially Opens for New School Year

The first school built under an innovative public-private partnership was opened today by the Digicel Foundation and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). École Louis de Borno in Léogâne, the town which was epicenter of the earthquake, now stands ready to welcome 600 primary students when the new school year begins on October 4th.

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New Horizons: U.S. Military’s Humanitarian Efforts in Haiti

The U.S. military, which provided rapid support in the earthquake’s immediate aftermath, is now supporting the reconstruction process through medical and engineering projects in a military exercise called “New Horizons.” Units from the Louisiana Army National Guard are providing humanitarian services to Haitians in an exercise that aims to continue U.S. military help for Haiti …

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Feed the Future: A U.S. Commitment Against Poverty and Hunger

The U.S. government, backed by U.S. scientists and corporations, is investing money and energy into reducing global hunger and poverty on a huge scale by 2015. A State Department official overseeing the Feed the Future program, Patricia Haslach, told a congressional subcommittee July 20 that President Obama’s pledge of $3.5 billion at the G8 summit …

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Recovery In Child-Friendly Spaces

The January 12 earthquake in Haiti changed everything for Sandy, 15, and now the relief process is changing her world again—this time for the better. After school each morning, she heads to a USAID-funded “Espace Timoun,” or child-friendly space, in Jacmel, Haiti, where children from ages 3 to 17 partake in age-appropriate activities and play …

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U.S. Strongly Supports UNDP Taking On A More Strategic And Focused Role In The International Arena

As the international community faces difficult global challenges, we are counting on UNDP to respond to 21st century problems, including poverty, hunger, disease, conflicts, environmental degradation, and gender inequality. With Helen Clark at the helm of UNDP and as the chair of the UN Development Group, UNDP is in a unique position to make positive …

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U.S. Assistance in Response to the Current Humanitarian Crisis in the Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan

The United States is deeply concerned and is closely monitoring developments in the Kyrgyz Republic and the affected border regions of Uzbekistan and supports international efforts to facilitate peace and order and the provision of humanitarian assistance coordinated by the United Nations and other international organizations. The United States has committed $32.267 million to programs …

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Gates Foundation and USAID Announce Innovative Fund to Incentivize Mobile Money Services in Haiti

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) today announced a $10 million incentive fund to jumpstart financial services by mobile phone in Haiti and expedite the delivery of cash assistance to victims of the country’s devastating earthquake by humanitarian agencies. This initiative lays the foundation for advanced banking …

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Press Statement by the U.S. Delegation to the Geneva Discussions on Georgia

Representatives of the United States participated in the eleventh round of the Geneva Discussions. We believe that the Geneva Discussions offer an important forum where international discussions on security and stability can lead to positive and practical developments on the ground, including regular meetings of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms (IPRMs) and unfettered access …

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USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah Announces 20 Feed the Future Initiative Focus Countries

Each year, inadequate nutrition contributes to 3.5 million deaths among children under five. Undernutrition robs the developing world of critical human capital and capacity, and undermines other development investments in health, education, and economic growth. It also perpetuates the cycle of poverty and hunger by leading to poor health, lower levels of educational attainment, and …

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United States Propose To Contribute $475 Million to fight Global Hunger and Poverty

I am pleased to announce that the United States proposes to contribute $475 million toward the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program – a new fund that will reduce global hunger and poverty by increasing agriculture productivity, linking farmers to markets and improving rural infrastructure. Our commitment is key to the Administration’s efforts to enhance …

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U.S. and UNHCR Sign Their 2010-2011 Framework for Cooperation

On April 21, 2010, representatives of the United States Government and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) signed a bilateral Framework for Cooperation agreement for the years 2010 and 2011, signaling their continued partnership to advance protection, assistance and durable solutions for refugees, stateless persons, and other vulnerable persons of concern.

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Dr. Rajiv Shah asks for $1.6 Billion in supplemental funding for efforts in Haiti

Investment in development has never been more strategically important than it is today. Even in the midst of difficult economic times domestically, helping nations to grow and prosper is not only the moral obligation of a great nation; it is also in our national interest. The investments we make today are a bulwark against current …

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U.S. Announces an Additional Contribution of $55 Million to UNRWA for Palestinian Refugees

Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Eric P. Schwartz welcomed Filippo Grandi, recently appointed Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), to Washington DC on March 11, 2010, and announced that the U.S. will make an additional planned contribution of $55 million …

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Defense Department Mobilizes to Save Lives and Ease Suffering in Haiti

This morning, the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson arrived outfitted with 19 helicopters, 51 hospital beds, three operating rooms, hundreds of thousands of gallons of water per day production capability and a significant capacity to deliver disaster-relief supplies. By the end of the weekend, 9,000 to 10,000 American servicemembers will in Haiti or afloat offshore.

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U.S. Outlines New Sudan Strategy

Secretary Clinton (Oct. 19): “The Sudan policy we are outlining today is the result of an intensive review across the United States Government…. It reflects the Administration’s seriousness, sense of urgency, and collective agreement about how best to address the complex challenges that have prevented resolution of the crisis in Darfur and full implementation of …

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United States Announces Record Level of Humanitarian Assistance in 2009

Last week at the UN General Assembly, President Obama reaffirmed the U.S. Government’s commitment to engage with partners in the international community to address critical common challenges. There may be no better symbol of that partnership than the United States’ involvement with and support for UN agencies providing life-saving and life-sustaining assistance to the most …

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STATEMENT BY SECRETARY CLINTON Today, the United States is honored to join the international community in commemorating the first World Humanitarian Day. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2008 to increase public awareness about humanitarian activities around the world, World Humanitarian Day is also an occasion to honor aid workers who labor every …

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U.S. Statement to the Pledging Conference of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

I am pleased to be here today to express my government’s support for the 2009 Global Appeal of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. On behalf of the United States Government, I am honored to pledge an initial $125 million to UNHCR’s Annual and Supplementary programs for 2009, which matches our initial pledge for …

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